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well a person can only stay up about 2 days without sleep so 4 shifts

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Q: How many days following one another can a person work 12 hour shifts?
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Is aircraft maintenance engineering better for girls?

yes absolutely, girls can do anything if the person has skills no company checks whether the person is a boy or girl the company will just give a job . Now -a-days skills are important but not the gender

What is the difference between enumrerated datatype and typedef?

Its very Simple that using Enumerated data type you are making special integers that flow within range, While a typedef is redefining data type with new name. Example: like defining enum Days{sun,mon,tue.....} makes an integer definition that can have 0-7 values So if u do following: Days x=sun; or Days x=0; then x=x+2; is 2 or tue and x=x+7; is 0 or sun again... Means its modulo 7 data type ................. While doing this: typedef Days WeekDays; renames Days as WeekDays Similary typedef int NUMBER; renames int as NUMBER .But wait it is one more name for the data type.. So simply enum creates a numeral modular datatype with a range while typedef creates another name for it. Rupesh K Joshi

How many hours does oil rig workers work?

Twelve hours a day, seven days a week for however long their hitch is the normal working hours. Some work fourteen days on and fourteen days off. Some work twenty one days on and twenty one days off. While some work twenty eight days on and twenty eight days off.

Write a C plus plus program to convert a given number into years weeks and days?

#include<iostream> void num_to_years_weeks_days( unsigned num, unsigned& years, unsigned& weeks, unsigned& days) { years = num / 365; num -= years * 365; weeks = num / 7; num -= weeks * 7; days = num; } int main() { unsigned years, weeks, days; unsigned num = 1000; num_to_years_weeks_days(num, years, weeks, days); std::cout << num << " days is " << years << " years, " << weeks << " weeks and " << days << " days\n" << std::endl; num = 12345; std::cout << num << " days is " << years << " years, " << weeks << " weeks and " << days << " days\n" << std::endl; }

How do you convert given number of days into month in java?

(Assume that each month is of 30 days) Example : Input - 69 Output - 69 days = 2 Month and 9 days */ classDayMonthDemo{ public static void main(String args[]){ int num = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); intdays = num%30; int month = num/30; System.out.println(num+" days = "+month+" Month and "+days+" days"); } }

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What are consecutive days?

Consecutive means one thing following another in a predetermined order. For people working five days a week, Saturday and Sunday are usually their days off. Since Sunday follows Saturday on the calendar, Saturday and Sunday are called consecutive days off. If the following Monday is a holiday, then Saturday, Sunday, and Monday will be consecutive days off. If a person works Monday and Tuesday and has Wednesday off, then works Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and has Sunday off, that person does not have any consecutive days off.

What are consecutive days off?

Consecutive means one thing following another in a predetermined order. For people working five days a week, Saturday and Sunday are usually their days off. Since Sunday follows Saturday on the calendar, Saturday and Sunday are called consecutive days off. If the following Monday is a holiday, then Saturday, Sunday, and Monday will be consecutive days off. If a person works Monday and Tuesday and has Wednesday off, then works Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and has Sunday off, that person does not have any consecutive days off.

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A person who works only for a day or a few days in a place, then works another day or few days in another place.

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How long do bakers stay at work?

5 to 7 hours Edit: I work 8 hour shifts five days a week now and I used to work 12 hour shifts- six days a week! (And I am a baker)

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The shifts vary based on manpower and the needs of the department. Most are eight or ten hour shifts, my last department was four - 12 hour shifts followed by four days off. Court appearances are often outside of regular duty hours.

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You have 5 days(week) to transfer to the dmv.

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£15 an hour 3 days a week 7hour shifts

How long does a police man work?

Usually either 8 hour or 12 hour shifts with 4 days on two days off.

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