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An ampere-hour rating is a relatavistic indication of how long a battery can supply a specific current.

It is not possible to determine the run time when you only gave watts, but watts are volts times amps, and you did not supply the volts.

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Q: How long will a battery 12 ampere-hour rating supply 144 watt load?
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What will happen if i connect a power supply of higher current rating to lower current load?

The supply won't have to work as hard. It is perfectly acceptable, for example, to use a 1A, 12v supply to supply a 12v, .5A load. The current rating indicates the ability of the supply to dissipate heat caused by the current flowing. If the load current is above the power supply current rating, the power supply will overheat.

Describe the difference of V and Ah in a battery?

V is the batteries rated voltage. Ah is the amp-hour of the battery. This is a rating of how many amps it can supply for a given period of time. For example a 600 Ah battery with a 100 A load means that the battery should last 6 hours.

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a power supply must deliver xxx watts to a load the transformer must match the load capabilities plus its own loss

Is battery is inductive or capacitive load?

A battery is usually thought of as a source, not a load. If you are charging a battery, then it will be resistive, especially if you are attempting to charge it like you should, with a DC power supply (not AC).

How do you calculate battery amp hours?

C/20 is the formula most commonly used to describe a battery according to its amp hour rating; for instance a 400Ahr rated battery means that a 20 amp load placed upon the battery delivers at that rate of energy for 20 hours upon reaching the manufacturer's per cell rating, usually about 1.7 volts or 10 volts for a dead, discharged battery. There are different discharge or load ratings such as a 10 hour or 100 hour rating resulting in a different Amp Hour rating for the very same battery. A battery is an electrical potential energy source whose capacity (amount of energy density delivered over time) is determined by the rate/time over which the battery will deliver a set rate of load/discharge. The lesser the load, the longer the rate, the higher the load the shorter the rate.

What is the load side?

When discussing electricity it is common to break into two parts. There is the supply side which is where the power exists and the load side where the work gets done. In a lighting the supply side would be your house power, for example; and the load would be the bulb. In a flashlight the supply is the battery and the load is the bulb.

How much of a load is placed on a battery that has a 500 CCA rating?

250 amps for 15 seconds.

What parts are needed to create a circuit?

A basic electrical circuit needs a voltage supply (battery or household outlet), wiring to carry electrons to and from the voltage supply to the load, and a load (motor, light, heat element, stereo, blender, whatever).

How much electricity can a 12 volts battery produce?

A 12 volt battery supply a 12 VDC potential to a 12 VDC load.

What the different between c10 and c20 rating of battery?

The c rating is known as the coloumb rating and indicates the rate of discharge that is recommended. A c10 will last for 10 hours with a 15 amp load, and a c20 will last for 20 hours on a 7.5 amp load. Ideally, the c10 is used in situations where you will have more charge/discharge cycles on the battery and a c20 is for high charge and discharge rates.

What us the rating of the fuse which is most Commondly fitted to three pin plugs?

If you are referring to the standard plug used in the UK, then the maximum rating fuse is 13 A, which can supply a load of approximately 3 kW. But the fuse fitted must match the power-rating of the load, so lower-rated fuses are available; for example, a 3-A fuse can supply up to about 700 W.

Is a car battery a circuit?

Hi, there. A battery is a power supply, a source of potential difference which drives current. In itself, a battery is not a circuit, but if you attach it to a load (a resistance), then a current will form and a circuit is made!