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It is taught to perform tasks by performing the programmig process, which is filled with many advanced technologies that are hard to describe

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Q: How is the wakamaru taught to do its task?
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it's not actually 'taught'. The scientists write a computer program to tell the rover what to do - and send the program by radio to Mars. The rover receives the program, and follows the instructions.

How is the maars robot taught to perform its task?

It's not actually 'taught'. The scientists write a computer program to tell the rover what to do - and send the program by radio to Mars. The rover receives the program, and follows the instructions.

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How can I cover acne scars with liquid foundation?

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Who taught Paul McCartney to play bass?

Paul taught himself how to play. This task was made even harder by the fact that he was left handed and not only had to teach himself to play, but figure out he had to take the strings of and switch them to accommodate this. Never had one lesson and became an inspiration for all bass players since. Hope this helps!

Past tense of taught?

past tense of taught is taught. "He taught that class yesterday."