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Q: How is ploughing useful in the cultivation of crops?
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What crops are grown in chena cultivation?

There are several types of crops that are grown in the Chena cultivation. Some of the crops that are grown are vegetables, grains, legumes, and oil crops.

How is summer ploughing useful?

Ploughing one month in advance i.e. in the month of May for kharif crops is known as summer ploughing. There are the three usual harvests known as the kharif or autumn (June-September), the rabi or spring (October-March) and zaid or extra harvest (March-June). Summer ploughing helps to kill weeds, hibernating insects and disease-causing organisms by exposing them to the summer heat. Summer ploughing of groundnut is always advantageous.

What is is crop cultivation?

The growing of crops

What is the definition of cultivation region?

cultivation regions are regions from where crops are harvested and cultivated.

What is a method of farming today?

ploughing, seeding, caring for crops, harvesting and processing

Why you use tractor driven cultivator for ploughing now a days?

Tractors are more efficient than animal powered cultivation.

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how clayey is useful for crops

What is a cultivation?

a cultivation farm is when it's got lots of crops on and it's also mixed with dairy farming.

What is over cultivation and the effects of it?

Cultivation is farming or planting crops. Its effects are deforestation, flooding, and soil erosion.

What types of crops are grown in antarctica?

As of now, no crops are grown in Antarctica since it is not suitable for cultivation.

What is a cultivation farm?

a cultivation farm is when it's got lots of crops on and it's also mixed with dairy farming.

Is cultivation the same as fallowing?

No. Cultivation means the planting, care, and growing of crops. Fallowing means NOT planting a crop.