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If you go to a good school, as I did, you are exposed to a much wider range of things in school than you are at any one job in practice. This is a very good thing- it gives you the flexibility to take your company in new directions, or to move to another company if that works better for you. It is amazing how often a basic idea you remember from one field can be a novel improvement in another field. The difficulty of an engineering education is itself good preparation for an engineering career. Sometimes, the discipline matters more than the actual specific knowledge. In college, you are asked to solve tough problems and you get them done. Remembering that you did makes the things you run into in practice easier to handle.

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Sales Engineers are a growing workforce that require a Bachelor's degree in Engineering. For more information you should go on this website to learn all about the "Career Education and Career Planning" involved in becoming a Sales Engineer: Thanks a lot for the great question!

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