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Permeability is when water can pass through different types of soil and rocks. Therefore the permeability affects the soil and rocks because if the soil or rock is PERMEABLE then the groundwater can easily flow through it :)

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Porosity of surface soil typically decreases as particle size increases so permeability also decreases.

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Q: How does the permeability of soil and rocks affect the flow of groundwater?
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How can man increase porosity and permeability in oil wells?

There is not feasible way to change the overall porosity and permeability in an oil field. However, it is possible in many cases to improve the porosity and permeability within the near wellbore region, where the change in pressure is the greatest. Injecting acid into a well, may slightlyincrease the porosity but sigmificantly improve the permeability, as it creates larger flow paths (also called worm holes) through the formation. Hydraulic fracturing will also stimulate a well, although the formation's permeability and porosity is unchanges. It makes it easier for oil to flow into the well, so its effect in the long run, is the same as if the near well bore region had higher permeability. Low permeability formations often produced by horizontal wells, which is similar to hydraulic fracturing- it is easier for the oil to flow to the well.

Can Bernoullis equation describe the flow of water that is cascading down a rock-strewn spillway Explain?

You cannot use Bernoulli's equation because the rocks would create a turbulent flow and you need a steady flow to use Bernoulli's equation. It could (in theory) but you would need accurate measurements of size shape and placement of each of the rocks involved. It would be a nightmare just to accumulate the data.

How does turbulence affect fluid-flow in a hydraulic line?

due to turbulance the flow of the fluid decreases. the fluid particles traces abnormal path and stops the movement of other particles also. this occur due to some sudden blocking which converts laminar flow into turbulant flow.

What is flow and non flow process of first low of thermodynamics?

Steady flow processFluid flow in which all the conditions at any one point are constant with respect to timeFluid flow without any change in composition or phase equilibriaFlow velocities do not vary with timeExamples of steady flow process- groundwater and channel flows- turbine- fluid heater- orifice(throttling)- nozzleNon flow processA thermodynamic process involving no fluid flowExamples of non-flow process- Heating at constant volume- Adiabatic expansion in a cylinder- Free Expansion (Joules experiment - valve is initially closed and then opened to equalize pressures)- Heating a fluid in a cylinder at constant pressure

How does increasing the number of cells in a parallel circuit affect the current?

by adding resistance in parallel more current is bound to flow

Related questions

How the permeability of soil and rocks the flow of groundwater?

Permeability refers to the ability of soil and rocks to allow water to flow through them. Higher permeability allows groundwater to flow more easily, while lower permeability hinders the movement of groundwater. Factors such as grain size, pore size, and connectivity influence the permeability of soil and rocks, impacting how quickly groundwater can flow through them.

What stores groundwater and allows the flow of the groundwater?

Porosity and permeability of rocks and soil determine how much water can be stored and how easily it can flow through groundwater. Rocks like sandstone and limestone with high porosity and permeability are good at storing and allowing the movement of groundwater. Conversely, impermeable rocks like clay or granite store less water and restrict the flow of groundwater.

How quickly would groundwater flow through rocks with high poroity and high permeability?

Groundwater would flow quickly through rocks with high porosity and high permeability. These characteristics allow for water to flow easily through the spaces between the rock particles with minimal obstructions, resulting in fast rates of groundwater movement.

How does permeability and slope control the flow of groundwater?

Permeability affects how quickly groundwater can flow through the soil or rock. Higher permeability allows for faster flow. Slope also influences groundwater flow by controlling the direction and speed of movement. Water will flow more rapidly downhill and may collect in low-lying areas.

What is the groundwater flow?

The flow of groundwater is an aquifer.

How does Permeability affect on ground water?

Permeability refers to the ability of a material to allow fluids to pass through it. In the context of groundwater, higher permeability means that water can flow more easily through the ground, leading to increased rates of groundwater recharge and potentially faster movement of contaminants. Conversely, lower permeability can restrict the flow of groundwater, causing it to move more slowly through the subsurface.

What stores groundwater and slows the groundwater to flow?

Aquifers store groundwater and restrict its flow due to the dense nature of the materials they are composed of, such as rocks or sediments. The porosity and permeability of the aquifer materials dictate how freely water can move within them. Coastal plains, sandstone, and limestone are common types of aquifers that can store and impede the flow of groundwater.

How quickly would groundwater flow through rock with porosity and high permeability?


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A scientist who studies the movement of groundwater?

A hydrogeologist studies the movement of groundwater. They examine how water moves through underground formations like soil and rocks, and assess factors affecting groundwater flow such as gradients, permeability, and recharge rates to better understand water resources and potential contamination risks.

What affects groundwater flow?

Groundwater flow is affected by factors such as the permeability of the rock or sediment through which it moves, the slope of the water table, and the presence of fractures or faults that may enhance or restrict flow. Human activities, such as pumping water from wells or constructing barriers like dams, can also influence groundwater flow patterns.

What is Permeability of soil?

Permeability of soil is a measure of how easily water can flow through it. It is determined by the size and arrangement of soil particles, with sandy soils typically having higher permeability than clay soils. Permeability influences drainage, groundwater recharge, and the movement of contaminants in the soil.