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beacasue sht happens dont sht dcks about it

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Q: How does temperature and turbidity affect irrigation channels?
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How does water flow affect turbidity?

i have tested the to doing charts and graphs and when stream flow is fast the turbidity raises and and when the stream flow decreases so does the turbidity

Does salinity affect turbidity?

Yes, salinity can affect turbidity. Higher salinity levels can lead to greater stability in the water column, which may reduce turbidity. Conversely, sudden changes in salinity levels can also lead to increased turbidity as particles in the water are disturbed.

how does water turbidity affect dissolved oxygen?

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Can you justify that Turbidity is not dangerous to the health?

Yes, it is not dangerous to our health. The Governement have made sure there is a very low turbidity rate in drinking water, so it won't affect you.

How does temperature affect the taste of food?

There are microscopic channels in our taste buds that are termed as being responsible for different taste in our mouth.

What is water turbidity?

Water turbidity is a measure of the cloudiness or haziness of a liquid caused by suspended particles. It is an important indicator of water quality as high turbidity levels can affect the health of aquatic ecosystems and make water unsafe for drinking. Turbidity is measured in nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) using a turbidimeter.

Is turbidity and optical density is same?

Turbidity measures the cloudiness of a liquid caused by suspended solids, while optical density measures the amount of light absorbed by a sample. They are related in the sense that turbidity can affect optical density measurements, but they are not the same. Turbidity is a measure of the scattering of light by particles in a sample, while optical density is a measure of the absorption of light by a sample.

What property does not effect the rate of dissolving?

The color or shape of a substance does not affect the rate of dissolving. Dissolving rate is primarily influenced by factors such as temperature, surface area, and concentration of the solute.

Which type of current results from underwater landslides?

Turbidity currents result from underwater landslides. These currents are caused by sediment-rich water rapidly moving downslope due to gravity, carrying sediment and debris with them. Turbidity currents can be powerful and can affect marine ecosystems and underwater infrastructure.

Which of the following is not used to determine metabolic activity?

Temperature is not typically used to determine metabolic activity, as metabolism is more directly influenced by factors such as enzyme activity, substrate availability, and hormonal regulation. Temperature can indirectly affect metabolic rate by influencing enzyme function and reaction rates.

How does fertilizer affect turbidity?

Fertilizer can increase turbidity in water bodies when it washes off from fields into rivers or lakes. The nutrients in the fertilizer stimulate excessive algae growth, leading to algal blooms. When these algae die and decompose, they can increase turbidity by releasing organic matter and sediment into the water.

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