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no, for the most part. this doesnt mean that organic or other farming methods are sustainable...
Step farming creates a series of narrow 'ledges' to allow crops to grow in stable soil. Planting directly on the slope - means that the soil is liable to be washed away by heavy rain.
One of the items manufactured in the east that made farming easier was the plow. Another manufactured item was the cotton gin. Later came tractors and other planting machinery.
The word plow is defined as a piece of farming equipment that is pulled by an animal to turn soil. A sentence using plow is: The horse pulled the plow to get the garden ready in time for planting.
i think it is maybe i do not know it is farming agriculture is farming
Dry farming is a method of agriculture in which crops are grown without irrigation in areas that receive limited rainfall. It relies on capturing and retaining moisture in the soil to sustain crop growth, often through techniques such as mulching, using drought-resistant crop varieties, and strategic planting practices. Dry farming is a sustainable approach to farming in arid regions, but yields can be lower compared to irrigated farming.
Its planting & farming both together in the same house but different gardens.
no, for the most part. this doesnt mean that organic or other farming methods are sustainable...
its activities involve choosing the right variety and preparing the land for planting in farming.
farming and planting
farming,planting,making tobacco, mining, and also planting corn
its activities involve choosing the right variety and preparing the land for planting in farming.
Countour Farming
Planting along the natural contours of the land helps to reduce soil erosion, improve water retention, and promote better drainage. By following the contours, you can also create natural barriers that slow down water flow and prevent runoff. This approach is known as contour planting and is commonly used in sustainable agriculture and landscaping practices.
they are farming,fishing,mining and planting