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Q: How does knowledge of Java programming concepts benefit individuals working in almost any IT position?
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Function of GoTOXY?

Gotoxy is used to move the cursor on the monitor screen. Gotoxy follows a certain programming code to put the cursor in the desired position.

How does computer science engineering give a pathway to a better programmer?

In most universities, it's because it's a first year requirement, but in some disciplines like software engineering and electrical engineering, you will be programming, testing, and inventing new software and write reports on it.

What are skills for software engineering?

The candidate for a software engineering job should be certified by Software Engineering Institute in the United States. The knowledge of programming is a prerequisite for the software engineering field, as well as a computer science degree. Many companies require an internship in the field before considering a candidate for a position within their companies. Please see: for further information.

What is the function of break in java programming?

The break keyword is used to prematurely exit the current block of code. Java only allows it to be used in the body of a loop or switch, and is helpful when you want a special reason to stop executing that code.Here is an example, in which we will search through an array of integers for a particular value. If that value is found, we will print out its location in the array and then stop running.void search(int num, int[] array) {// Store the position of num in array (or -1 if it wasn't found)int position = -1;// Here is our search loopfor(int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {if(array[i] == num) {// If we find the number, store its position and exit the loopposition = i;break;}}// Print out our resultsif(position >= 0) {System.out.println(num + " found at position: " + position);}else {System.out.println(num + " was not found in the array");}}

Program to check the presence of a substring in a given string?

#include&lt;stdio.h&gt; #include&lt;string.h&gt; main() { char a[24]; int i,count=0,j=0,stlen,k,substlen,sig=0; gets(a); for(i=0;i&lt;strlen(a);i++) {if(a[i]==' ') break; else j++;} stlen=j; substlen=strlen(a)-j-1; for(i=0;i&lt;=stlen-substlen;i++) {count=0; for(k=i+substlen-1;k&gt;=i;k--) {if(a[k]!=a[k+stlen-i+1]) break; else count++;} if(count==substlen) {sig=1; break; } } printf("%d",sig); } input- 11100101 1001 110010 111 output- 1 0 note -give the main string and the substring(to be checked) seperated by a space.

Related questions

How does knowledge of programming concepts benefit individuals working in almost any IT position?

It does because if you are working in IT company then the thing which matters is: "How can you save the efforts of other people(Customors) so that they will reward you" You can do this only if you automate the process which individual have to perform manually.This can be done by programming only.

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Yes. A little knowledge of programming is needed to learn VHDL. Knowledge in digital electronics is a must. One should be in a position to understand the working of various combinational and sequential circuits to expertise in VHDL.

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No. The label of "atheist" is a position of non acceptance of any god claims. There are no rituals or 'conversions", only the drive for knowledge and factual scientific proof of ideas and concepts.

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The necessary skill, education, and/or experience required for a position, and the ability to perform the essential tasks of a position

What distinguish disabled individuals from qualified individuals with a disability?

The necessary skill, education, and/or experience required for a position, and the ability to perform the essential tasks of a position

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The necessary skill, education, and/or experience required for a position, and the ability to perform the essential tasks of a position

What characteristics distinguish disable individuals from qualified individuals with disability?

The necessary skill, education, and/or experience required for a position, and the ability to perform the essential tasks of a position

What characteristic distinguish disable individuals from qualified individuals with a disability?

The necessary skill, education, and/or experience required for a position, and the ability to perform the essential tasks of a position

What characteristic(s) distinguish disabled individuals from individuals with a disability?

The necessary skill, education, and/or experience required for a position, and the ability to perform the essential tasks of a position