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Well most population within a species have very similar gene pools, like most human are 99% similar in their DNA, but the thing is, the closer you are related the more similar you gene pool will be. By hybridization you are literally introducing something new to the gene pool. So maybe you have a whole herd of white goat, but then you crossbred it with a black goat (i don't know if black goat exists or not), this introduces a genetic variation into your white goats, now the offspring will have black fur allele in their gene. That is what hybridization do.

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Q: How does hybridization produce genetic variation?
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Could are hybridization and inbreeding considered opposite processes?

Yes, hybridization involves crossing genetically different individuals to produce hybrid offspring with diverse traits, while inbreeding involves breeding genetically similar individuals, leading to a decrease in genetic diversity. Thus, they are considered opposite processes in terms of genetic variation and diversity.

What is gene hybridization?

Plant hybridization is the process of creating plant hybrids, often as new species of plants. This is done by crossing genetics from two different types or species of plants and joining them to make a new plant.

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Loss of genetic variation(:Novanet:)

How are inbreeding and hybridization the same?

Inbreeding is the breeding of closely related individuals of a species generally to produce more uniform offspring. Hybridization is the breeding of different varieties (breeds) or even different species to increase variation/ vigor in the genetic population. An example of variety hybridization would Labradoodles (labrador X poodle). An example of species hybridization would be (wolf X coyote). Many offspring produced from species hybridization are sterile... depending on the chromosome number compatibility and other factors.

Contrast hybridization and inbreeding?

Hybridization involves crossing two different species or varieties to produce offspring with desirable traits, resulting in genetic diversity. Inbreeding involves mating closely related individuals within the same species to produce offspring with homozygous traits, which can increase the expression of both desirable and undesirable traits. Hybridization can improve traits through genetic recombination, while inbreeding can fix specific traits by increasing homozygosity.

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Natural selection acts on the existing genetic variation within a population by favoring individuals with advantageous traits that increase their chances of survival and reproduction. This process leads to the selective increase in frequency of beneficial genes in the population over time, thus producing genetic variation within the species.

What is a source of genetic variation in organisms?

Human recombination is a significant source of genetic variation.

How are selective breeding techniques of hybridization and inbreeding opposite?

In hybridization, individuals from different breeds or varieties are crossed to produce offspring with desired traits, promoting genetic diversity. In contrast, inbreeding involves mating closely related individuals to increase the frequency of desired traits, which can lead to a decrease in genetic diversity and an increased risk of inherited genetic disorders.

Relate genetic variation and mutations to each other?

mutations cause genetic variation, and vice-versa. If there is a genetic variation (or lack of one), then this can effect the severity of the mutation.

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