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Power in a circuit is inversely proportional to the resistance, all other things being equal.

Voltage equals amperes time resistances, so amperes equals voltage divided by resistance.

Watts equals voltage times amperes, so watts equals voltage squared divided by resistance.

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The resistance lowers the flow of an electrical current. It also converts electrical energy that flows through it into heat, wasting the electrical energy.

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12y ago

Resistance is the ratio of voltage to current. So, if the value of the voltage is fixed, then increasing the resistance will cause the value of the current to fall.

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8y ago

Resistance results in energy loss in the form of heat proportional to the square of the current being drawn.

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Q: How does electric resistance relate to energy transformation?
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How does the Resistance and Wattage relate to maximum voltage of a wirewound resistor?

The power rating of a resistor is determined by its physical size. The greater its surface area, the better it can dissipate energy, so the higher its power rating. Knowing its power rating and its resistance will determine the maximum voltage that can be applied to it in order to ensure the resulting current doesn't cause the resistor to overheat. This can be determined by manipulating the equation, P = U2/R.

Internal energy and enthalpy how differ and relate to each other?

Enthalpy mathematically is the sum of the internal energy and work done in a process.internal energy is the sum of the kinetic energy,potential energy,vibrational energies etc

What are ohms amps and volts?

Amps are a measure of current flow in an electrical circuit and represent the physical number of electrons passing a point in a circuit per second. 1 Amp of current flowing in a circuit means that every second 6.242 x 10e18 electrons goes past a point on the circuit. Volts are a measure of how much energy each electron has with reference to another point. A voltage is a difference in energy and has no meaning without a reference point. 1 Volt means that for every 6.022 x 10e23 electrons, there is one joule of electrical energy. Ohms are units of resistance, how much opposition the conductor provides to the current. Resistance is related to the phyiscal size of the conductor. These three units relate to each other in Ohm's Law: Voltage = Current x Resistance because if there is more opposition to the current, there needs to be more energy to make it flow. A common illustraiton of an electrical circuit is a water pipe: Amps is how fast the water is flowing, Voltage between two points is the pressure difference and Ohms describe how big the pipe is and if there is any obstruction inside it.

What is the difference between a product's visual and functional qualities?

A product's visual qualities relate to what the object looks like. A product's functional qualities relate to how it is used and/or how it works.

Does the number of columns relate to the number of rows?

No. They are orthogonal.

Related questions

How does the law of conservation of energy relate to energy transformation?

The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. This means that in any energy transformation, the total amount of energy remains constant. Energy can change from potential to kinetic, thermal, electrical, or other forms, but the total energy in the system remains the same throughout the transformation.

How do the laws of energy transformation relate to energy used by organisms?

The laws of energy transformation dictate that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but only transferred or transformed. Organisms obtain energy from their environment through processes like photosynthesis or consuming other organisms, and then use this energy to carry out essential functions like growth, reproduction, and movement. Energy is constantly being converted within organisms to sustain life processes in accordance with the laws of energy transformation.

How does slope and distance relate to transformation?

In general, they don't.

How is the law of conservation of energy relate to energy transformation?

The law of conservation of energy states: "Energy can neither be created or destroyed, only changed in form." Energy transformation is changing it's form. Note: This law only holds in Newtonian physics. I Einsteinian physics is isn't valid.

How does photosynthesis relate to energy transformation?

provides the main input of free energy into the biosphere

what would writing down on paper be fore energy conversion/transformation?

A pencil would contain kinetic energy while it is moving, potential energy because it could be dropped and release energy that way...Anyone else agree???

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Energy. When something is in a solid state its atoms are not moving and their electric charge keeps them close together. As you add energy usually heat they begin to vibrate and thus the attraction lessens. This results in a liquid. Add even more energy and you get a gas.

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The bearings in the fan blade assembly will be in contact with the electric motor that will be driving its motion. In addition, as the fan blades move, it will be met with air resistance, which correlates to the density of air - will also be put into consideration.

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There is a one to one relationship.

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State the law formulated by george Simon ohm relate current to voltage and resistance?

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