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Q: How does air pressure help drinking through a straw?
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When you drink with the help of a straw what forces the liquid up the straw?

When you suck on a straw, you create a vacuum in your mouth, and the atmospheric pressure pushes the liquid up the straw and into your mouth. The difference in pressure between the area inside the straw and outside is what causes the liquid to move upwards.

When you drink a soft drink with the help of a straw what forces the liquid up the straw?

When you suck on a straw, you decrease the air pressure inside the straw, creating a partial vacuum. The higher air pressure on the surface of the liquid outside the straw then pushes the liquid up the straw and into your mouth.

How is a drinking straw made more rigid?

A drinking straw can be made more rigid by adding additional material layers or using stiffer materials during manufacturing. This can help prevent the straw from collapsing or bending easily when in use. Additionally, increasing the diameter or thickness of the straw can also contribute to its rigidity.

What happens when you drink through a straw?

This question points up some key misconceptions about what a vacuum is.So you put a straw in your cup of water. If you look down the straw or could look through it, you would see that the level of water inside and outside the straw are exactly the same. This is because the atmosphere is pushing down on the water inside the straw, and it is pushing down equally hard on the water outside the straw. So the pressures are equal.When you suck on the straw, you are decreasing the pressure in your mouth and lowering the pressure of the air in the top of the straw. When that happens, the force of the atmosphere pushing on the water in the glass is higher than the force of gas inside the straw. The atmosphere forces the liquid up the straw into your mouth. So, in essence, you ARE NOT sucking the liquid into your mouth, the atmosphere is pushing it there.This is easily proved by an experiment. Try drinking water from a straw that is more than 20 meters tall. It won't work. At around 20 meters, the massive column of water inside the straw would be pulled down by gravity, with a force greater than the upward force caused by the atmosphere. Even if you completely evacuate the straw with a high-powered pump the water won't make it up the straw. This is why you can't pump water out of a well that is more than 20 meters deep in the ground. Anything deeper than that and you need to use a compressor to pump air at high pressure down into the well, to force the water out (essentially make the upward pressure higher than the atmosphere alone provides), or revert to the tried and true method using buckets.Of course, a similar principle applies with underground or artesian wells. The water there is already under greater pressure and will flow to the surface if given a path.

Can drinking water clear your artieries?

Drinking water can't clear arteries, but it can help flush out substances through urine.

Does drinking soda with a straw help to not get cavities?

No it goes in your mouth and you will get cavities. Some people's teeth are more prone than others to cavities. Not drink sodas will help ( and be better for you) and brushing your teeth, flossing teeth will cut down on the cavities.

what Does adding straw do to the soil?

Adding straw to the soil can help improve soil structure and increase water retention. As the straw breaks down, it releases nutrients into the soil, which can benefit plant growth. Additionally, straw can help prevent erosion and suppress weed growth in the soil.

How are you going to stop drinking?

by getting help and through will power knowing that if you continue it will hurt people close to you

Does pine straw keep rats away?

Yes pine straw can help keep certain pests away.

Can straw be spun into gold?

No, straw cannot be spun into gold. This concept comes from the fairy tale "Rumpelstiltskin," where a young woman is able to turn straw into gold with the help of a magical imp. In reality, it is not possible to turn straw into gold through spinning or any other means.

How do you treat binge drinking?

Treatment for binge drinking may involve therapy, counseling, support groups, and behavior modification techniques to help individuals understand the triggers and underlying reasons for their binge drinking. Additionally, practicing healthy coping mechanisms, setting limits on alcohol consumption, and seeking professional help if needed are all important steps in addressing binge drinking. It's also essential to have a strong support system in place to help individuals maintain sobriety and make positive lifestyle changes.

What is a healthy diet that will help lower my blood pressure and my cholesterol?

There are alot of ways to lower blood pressure and cholesterol.You should eat healthy like apples, lettuce, drinking water, eating oranges, and exercising everyday.