Scope creep refers to scope changes applied without processing them though the change control process. The role of the Project Manager is to ensure that Scope Creep does not happen in their project. As per the PMBoK guide, the Control Scope process is used to control the projects scope.
Creep - increase in deformation while load is cst Relaxation - decrease in load while deformation is cst.
Scope creep
is minute slipping( creepin) of cranes permitted & accepted by regulation
Scope creep happens when the defined scope a project is increased during the development phase. It is called creepbecause it tends to happens slowly. For example: A project was defined to handle $US. Everybody agreed to the scope ($US). Then somebody tries to add handling of the Euro and then the Yen. You now have scope creep. This is similar to feature creep - where features are added during the development phase.
The Castles of Dr. Creep happened in 1984.
The future tense of "creep" is "will creep" or "is going to creep."
Scope creep refers to scope changes applied without processing them though the change control process. The role of the Project Manager is to ensure that Scope Creep does not happen in their project. As per the PMBoK guide, the Control Scope process is used to control the projects scope.
of Creep, of Creep, imp. & p. p. of Creep.
Yes, creep is a noun, as in "he was a creep". It can also be a verb, as in "he crept along".
Cause a Creep creep's up on someone slowly and a Creep is very slow
Yes, creep is a noun, as in "he was a creep". It can also be a verb, as in "he crept along".
Whenever a creep comes around, the Creep Monitor starts to blink and beep. The frequency increases as the creep gets closer.
Creep occurs on steep mountains.
dead creep Crept.
The word "creep" can be a verb (e.g. "to creep silently") or a noun (e.g. "a creepy person").