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Enter the String:<br><br>

<form action="ass1.php" method="post">

Name: <input type="text" name="fname" />

<input type="submit" name="Submit" />







$count = 0;

for ($i = 0; $i!= $length; $i++)


if (array_search($_POST['fname'][$i], $vowels))






echo 'There are ('.$count.') vowels in the string ('. $_POST['fname'].')';




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12y ago
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12y ago

// an extension or utility class of char data type

public class CharExtension {

private const string _VOWELS = "AEIOU";


public static bool IsVowel(char c) {

return IsOneOf(_VOWELS, c);


public static bool IsConsonant(char c) {

return IsOneOf(_CONSONANTS, c);


//return true if testChar is one of the characters in charSet

//false otherwise.

//Note case insensitive

private static bool IsOneOf(string charSet, char testChar) {

return charSet.Contains(testChar.ToString().ToUpper());



Please note that a character maybe neither a vowel nor a consonant, such as a comma. This was why above code did notcoded as return !IsVowel(c) for the function of IsConsonant(c).

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Q: How do you write a program in c sharp to identify whether a character vowels and consonants?
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Write a C program to find out whether character passes through keybroad is a digit or not? s simple..make use of built-in function isdigit(character) s in stdlib.h...

How do you identify the character in a string is uppercase?

In order to find whether a character in a string is in uppercase or not, you need to use the ascii\unicode values of the character. You may want to use the following code-- String str="Your Sample String Here"; //(say you have this string) int l=str.length(); for(int i=0;i&lt;l;i++) { char ch=str.charAt(i); if(ch&gt;=65&amp;&amp;ch&lt;=90) //Since the values of block letters in ASCII are from 65 to 90 System.out.println(ch); } //This program basically prints out the block letters, but you can modify it as you like, by changing the statement after 'if' as you want

How does computer know whether an instruction you typed is a program?

its nice

Write a program to initialize a character and print whether it is uppercase lowercase or special character in java module 1?

I'll just write a function to do that, I hope the good people won't try to run it as it is.... void function() { char c = 'a'; if( c &gt;= 'a' &amp;&amp; c &lt;='z' ) System.out.println("LowerCase"); else if( c&gt;='A' &amp;&amp; c &lt;='Z' ) System.out.println("UpperCase"); else System.out.println("Special Character"); }

Write a program that stores vowels in an array When you program is given a character it should indicate whether the character is vowel or not?

That's easy to do!This script will get the POST data from an HTML form and check if it is a vowel.

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