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well maybe by hacking into their entire database, splicing encrypted files, finding bad information the company has payed millions to keep hidden. then, the hacker uses the information and says 'pay me a million or else

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Q: How do you think that hackers may be able to blackmail companies?
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How do you think that hackers may be able to blackmail a computer user?

by hidding the information

What do you call a person to capture or take something by force?

you may be able to call this person a blackmail victim.

Why are there so many hackers in the US?

The United States has many hackers for many reasons. We are a highly populated country with a high standard of education, with an ease to access technology. Therefore many people are able to learn how to work computers and turn to illegal ways to easily gain money. By hacking consumers hackers are able to steal account information and sell it or use it to make payments on goods and services. The lucrative and easy, however illegal method of earning money is the main reason why there are so many hackers in the US.

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You can't once you have set your D.O.B on your character, it stays there. If you were able to change it, it would mean a new way of hackers being able to steal accounts.

What if you are withholding information because of blackmail?

Leaving aside the fact that "blackmail" is a criminal offense in its own right, and you should report it to law enforcement, if that is going to be your defense you had better be able to produce some convincing evidence of it because you could be charged criminally with 'Obstruction of Justice' or Contempt of Court.Also:It is not contempt of court if you are being forced to withhold the evidence against your will as long as you would, absent the blackmail, have provided the evidence. To be in contempt of court, a person must intentionally of his/her own free will, refuse to do that which the court requires. The element of blackmail negates the required intent and willfulness.

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Hackers typically solve problems and encourage open availability of information. Specialist software aids the facilitation of hacking such as being able to hack and expose email passwords, bank information and unencrypting files. Hackers are considered bad but essentially they improve the safety of our data by exposing weaknesses.

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1. Diapers inc. 2. Sham-wows United I am unfortunately not able to remember the name of the third but I think it was spelt: BRIVON7Q

Is lipstick poison?

I'm not sure, but I don't think is it. The companies wouldn't be able to produce the products if they could poison people. Also, if you accidentally lick your lips when you had lipstick on, you wouldn't drop dead. So no, I don't think lipstick is poison.

where can I get the best deal on a commercial truck lease?

I think there is but I would inquire with companies that sell the trucks. They should be able to tell you if they offer leasing options. Check your local yellowpages for info on this!

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There is a rental fee for other lines. This is similar for power companies also. Not all lines are owned by local companies.