That is the correct spelling of the noun "contraption" (an odd machine or gizmo).
"Contraption" is perhaps a blend of "contrivance", "trap", and "invention".
I don't know what you call that contraption, but it works!
"Lou had hoped the car trip would go smoothly, but Larry's old contraption had problems from the start." "The antenna for his satellite television was a wobbly contraption made from an aluminum pie plate."
Rube Goldberg is infamous for his convoluted contraptions. Kindly remove your dilapidated contraption from the road at once!
apparatus, appliance, gadget
Fantastic Contraption happened in 2010.
Get that contraption off the road! I haven't any spare time to work on your contraption this week.
I made a neat contraption for science class.
Fantastic Contraption was created on 2008-09-16.
"Contraption" is perhaps a blend of "contrivance", "trap", and "invention".
I don't know what you call that contraption, but it works!
Together, all the pieces in the contraption work together
There isn't really much of an antonym for contraption, but most likely the antonyms are scraps and junk
The cast of The Contraption - 1977 includes: Charlotte Cornwell as The Woman