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You can put space between 2 videos by <br> tag. It gives a line break space to move from next line.

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Q: How do you space between two videosw in HTML?
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The space between two neurons or between a neuron and a receptor is known as a synapse. In this gap, neurotransmitters are released from the presynaptic neuron and bind to receptors on the postsynaptic neuron, allowing for communication between the two cells.

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No Man's Land is the name of the space between the two sides front lines.

What is the purpose of a non-breaking space?

Assuming that this question is about HTML: web browsers and email programs normally will break a line of text that is too long to fit in the window into multiple lines. Normally, lines are split or wrapped at the final space that fits in the window. If the HTML author finds it undesirable to have a line of text broken at a particular space, the HTML author can replace that space with a non-breaking space. The browser or email program will keep the two words that surround the non-breaking space together and break the line at the preceding space. A non-breaking space is coded as ""&amp;nbsp;". A normal space is just a space, although it can also be coded as "&amp;#32;" or "&amp;#x20;".

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The internode space. The space between the two leafe nodes. The spaces between leaf veins are called areoles.

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This empty space is known as a gap or interval. It represents the distance or separation between two objects or elements.

What is the space between the nerve and muscle called?

The space between a nerve and muscle is called the neuromuscular junction. This is where the nerve endings release chemical messengers called neurotransmitters, which signal the muscle to contract.

Why should spaces be avoided in HTML?

It is not true to say spaces should be avoided, it is just that more than one space between words will be ignored. So if you put ten spaces between two words in the code, it will still only show one space between the text when viewed in the browser. You can use other methods to put more spaces, like using the &amp;nbsp; character for each extra space needed or using the pre tag.