

Best Answer

You cannot, you need PHP

Here is what I came up with, for you:


$to = '';

$subject = 'the subject';

$message = 'hello';

$headers = 'From:' . "\r\n" .

'Reply-To:' . "\r\n" .

'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();

mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);

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Identify the main advantages of using emails as a method of communication?

The biggest advantage to sending emails is the fact that you can send multiple people emails very quickly. Unfortunately, emails can be misinterpreted.

How can you send a message to somebody instead of using emails?

Use a phone or a letter.

Can you use WiFi to send emails?

You must have wifi to send emails.

Does pixie hollow send you emails?

They send emails from time to time, but they don't spam.

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What is Yahoo known for?

Yahoo is known where your friends send you emails and you send them emails back.

How many emails can you send at once?

you can send at least 100

How can one send a bulk email?

Bulk emails can usually be sent using a regular emailing method (a personal email account sending 20 emails, for example). However, there are third party services that can be used to send out mass emails (more than 300 recipients, for example).

Is PHP allows you to send emails directly from a script?

No, U cant send emails directly from script.

How do you send high priority emails in yahoo?

You need to mark the high priority emails in Yahoo. By accessing the priority inbox, you can then choose to send the emails.

How do you send emails on Roblox like to Builderman?

You can't send emails to builderman but to send them to others go under there profile page and click send message

Can you send emails from yahoo to Google?

You can send emails to anyone else with an email address ... google, yahoo or whatever