

Best Answer

From editor: File / Save As or File / Write To

From shell: rename, move, mv

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Q: How do you save a text file as c file on mac?
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Why is it possible to save a C file with a different extension name?

Because for the text editor (and the operating system) there is no such thing as 'C file' only 'file', and files can have any names and extensions.

How do you create a new C source file?

A source file is nothing more than a text file with code. Therefore, any file created in Notepad and saved as "anyname.c" is considered a C source file.

What is a source code file in c plus plus?

A source code file is a plain-text file containing C++ instructions. The instructions must be compiled and linked to create a native machine code executable.

How do you copy c program to msword?

If you want to copy C source code to a new file in MS Word, use the following steps:Open the C program in Notepad if it's not already open.Select all text (usually CTRL+A works fine).Copy that text to the clipboard (CTRL+C).Open MS Word (or Wordpad).CTRL+V to paste the C source code.Save if desired.If the C source code is in a file, and you have Windows Explorer open with that file showing, you can open MS Word, and then drag the file from Explorer to MS Word, which will open that file.

What is the difference between binary file and text file in java?

HI... When you access a file from within C or C++ you have a choice between treating the file as a binary file or as a text file. C uses the fopen(file,mode) statement to open a file and the mode identifies whether you are opening the file to read, write, or append and also whether the file is to be opened in binary or text mode. C++ opens a file by linking it to a stream so you don't specify whether the file is to be opened in binary or text mode on the open statement. Instead the method that you use to read and/or write to the file determines which mode you are using. If you use the operator to write to the file then the file will be accessed in text mode. If instead you use the put() and get() or read()and write() functions then the file will be accessed in binary mode. So what exactly is the difference between text and binary modes? Well the difference is that text files contain lines (or records) of text and each of these has an end-of-line marker automatically appended to the end of it whenever you indicate that you have reached the end of a line. There is an end of line at the end of the text written with the C fwrite() function or in C++ when you

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How do you Open a text file as C plus plus source code?

All C++ source code is is a text file with the .cpp extension. So if you save your code as *****.cpp then it is automatically C++ source code.

Why is it possible to save a C file with a different extension name?

Because for the text editor (and the operating system) there is no such thing as 'C file' only 'file', and files can have any names and extensions.

How do you convert a notebook file to a c plus plus file?

There are no "notebook files"; C++ sources are ordinary text files. When you save a file from NotePad, select File/SaveAs and select 'file type: all', then enter the name, e.g. myprogram.cpp

How can you copy in mac?

To copy a piece of text: select the text and press the Command (cmd) and C keys, or right click on the text and select Copy from the menu. To copy a file hold down the Alt key while you drag the file to a new location, or right click on the file and select Duplicate from the menu.

Keyboard shortcut for copy?

Copy:Ctrl+C in Windows (meaning "press CTRL key and C key simultaneously")Cmd+C on Mac OS XOn Linux, it varies with the program.Paste:Ctrl+V in WindowsCmd+V on Mac

Differentiate save to save as in computer?

If the file is not saved yet, "save" is pretty much the same as "save as" but if the file is already saved somewhere in your computer: "Save" will save the changes to the already existing file, while "Save as" will give you the choice to save the changes where ever you'd like. for example: your file is saved at c:\myfile.doc if you make changes and hit "save" , the changes will be saved at c:\myfile.doc however, if you click "save as", you will be given the choice to save the file where ever you want (say c:\mynewfile.doc). the old file will remain the same, as if you never changed anything

How can you create a header file in c?

Use a text-editor.

How do you read Url's from a web browser and save it in a file?

Select the URL in the address field (sometimes a triple click will do that).Press Ctrl + C (copy)Open a text file (Notepad or similar)Paste (Ctrl + V)

A program in c to copy text file?

File Operations in C are accomplished by the use of pointers.Pointers are use to point to a particular memory location.File are read and written by using file pointers.The Keyword FILE is used to declare a file pointer.The Complete Program for writing text to a file and saving it and copying it to a new location is given at

What are the file created after c file is save?

Having saved the source file (*.C), you can compile it into an object module (*.OBJ), then link an executable program (*.EXE)

How do you create a new C source file?

A source file is nothing more than a text file with code. Therefore, any file created in Notepad and saved as "anyname.c" is considered a C source file.

How does one read data from a text file and create an adjacency matrix with the data in matlab?

You can read data from a text file in a few different ways, but generally you use the "textread" function. The syntax is: C = textread('file','format') where C will be your new text matrix, file is your text file within your matlab directory, and format will depend on the type of data it is (see related link for more). Can't help with the adjacency matrix, sorry.