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just add an extension .java when you save your notepad text file

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Q: How do you save a notepad file into a java file?
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Can you write java program in Microsoft Word?

Since the Java program is basically a text file, you can write it in any text editor (although using a Java IDE, or an IDE with support for Java, does give you certain advantages). Thus, you can use programs such as NotePad or NotePad++ to write the Java program. Using word processors such as MS-Word is problematic, because these insert additional codes. You would have to make sure you save the resulting file in the text format - give the "Save As" command, and choose a text format from the list.

What kind of file contain java source code?

'.java' files contain java source code. One can access these files on windows by using 'notepad'.

Can you save java source file without saving?

So you want to save a file, without saving it... You have some stuff to learn before you tackle java.

How many editor in which you can create java source code?

Java source code is a plain text file, so you can use practically any editor, for example NotePad (included in Windows) or better programs such as the freeware NotePad++. However, it is usually more convenient to use the editor included in an IDE that has support for Java.

What are the different phases of java?

Based on the lecture i have , there are three JAVA PHASES -- editor. First step in creating java program is by writing ur programms in a text editor. Ex, notepad, emacs etc -- java compiler. compile. The program by. Using the java compiler. The output of this process is a file of java bytecodes wid the file extension.class -- java interpreter. The .class file is then interpreted by java interpreter that converts the bytecodes into the machine language of the particular computer your using ---abioo4---

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Where to write javafie?

we use notepad and netbeans for java file with .java extension

How do you save a text file as HTML if the HTML file choice is not in Notepad?

When you go to save your file, type in your desired file name, then type ".html" on the end. This tells Notepad that you want to save your document as an HTML file.

Can you write java program in Microsoft Word?

Since the Java program is basically a text file, you can write it in any text editor (although using a Java IDE, or an IDE with support for Java, does give you certain advantages). Thus, you can use programs such as NotePad or NotePad++ to write the Java program. Using word processors such as MS-Word is problematic, because these insert additional codes. You would have to make sure you save the resulting file in the text format - give the "Save As" command, and choose a text format from the list.

When you save a file for the first time you must?

when you save a notepad file for the first time you must also

When you save a file for the first time you must .?

when you save a notepad file for the first time you must also

What kind of file contain java source code?

'.java' files contain java source code. One can access these files on windows by using 'notepad'.

What is the testing procedure for the Save dialog box of Notepad?

You are in notepad. You are ready to save your file. All you have to do to direct your file to the directory you want it to go to instead of the default, is choose "save as" under "file". Either choose an existing directory or create a new one. You can name the file anything.

How will you create a duplicate copy of a file using notepad?

Open up the file and save it as (filename) and save it again as (filename2)

How do you edit and save cfg file in windows 7?

You can use Notepad for that.

How do you change the name of a song in finale notepad?

you cant on finale notepad. you have to save the file and send it to someone else who has finale notepad. THEY can change it for you and send it back to you.

Can you save java source file without saving?

So you want to save a file, without saving it... You have some stuff to learn before you tackle java.

What are all the scripts supported by notepad?

You see, notepad supports all scripts, you can save a file as anything. But It cannot compile anything.....All it does is edit the text of any file.