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assume cs:code,ds:data

code segment

mov ax,data

mov ds,ax

mov cl,count

mov si,offset str1

mov di,0003h

back:mov al,[si]

xchg [di],al

mov [si],al

inc si

dec di

dec cl

jnz back


code ends

data segment

str1 db 01h,02h,03h,04h

count equ 02h

data ends



input: str1 (ds:0000h) = 01h,02h,03h,04h

output: str1 (ds:0000h) = 04h,03h,02h,01h

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13y ago

To be honest, i don't have a clue, just go play a game or something, sado

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Q: How do you reverse a string in assembly language?
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ALGORITHM REVERSEINPUT (string)"STRINGLENGTH() would be a function that returns the lenght of the string"FOR (i = STRINGLENGTH(string); i >= 0; i--) BEGINDISPAY (string[i])END FOREND REVERSE