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With the faucet shut off, take the handle off and under it is a nut around the stem. There is either an O ring under the nut, a fiber washer or stem packing depending on what type of faucet it is. Replace which ever it has and that should fix it. If your faucet is a screw type, the handle turns several time when opening it, you can probably take the nut off, wrap two or three wraps of stem packing around the stem, clockwise looking down on it and replace the nut and tighten. This will compress the packing around the stem without replacing the cone washer in the nut or all of the old packing.

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Q: How do you repair a faucet stem leak?
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OK, find the leak and repair it.

What do i do when the water faucet outside has a leak?

You should turn off the water at the main valve in your home, and take a Phillips head screwdriver, and remove the stem of the faucet. The leak is like from a gasket at the end of the stem. Take the whole stem to the hardware store, and get a new one. Put it all back together.

How do you repair a bath tub faucet leak?

This depands on the type of faucet you have, however looking at the link below this answer, may help.

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Will repairing bath faucet requires repairing the bath floor too?

You should not have to repair or replace the flooring when repairing the bath faucet. Unless you had a water leak that resulted in lots of water damage to the flooring.

How do you use leak in a sentence?

The faucet kept leaking all night long and kept me awake.

What does it mean when the tank keeps running?

If you mean the toilet tank, it means you have a leak and water (and $$$ if you have a water meter) are being lost. It is the same as a leaky faucet. You need to find the source of the leak and repair.

Could you give me a sentence with the word leak?

The faucet had a leak.

Peerless Faucet Repair?

form_title= Peerless Faucet Repair form_header= Keep your faucet running with a help from experts. Please explain the problem in detail.*= _ [50] How old is the faucet?*= _ [50] Have you ever repaired the faucet before?*= () Yes () No

What is the adjective for the word leak?

leaky or leaking as in leaky faucet or leaking faucet.

What is the faucet stem assembly?

The stem is the rod that sticks out of the faucet that the handle fastens to.