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VirtualBox uses what is called a "Host key" to send specific signals to the host or guest. This is usually the right control key, though this can be changed. To send a Ctrl-Alt-Del to your guest system without disrupting your host, press the Host key + Del.

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Q: How do you press ctrl plus alt plus del in sun virtualbox if you what to start windows servers 2003 installed in it?
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What happen to the motor if you press both start and stop button simultaneously?

In a properly designed and installed system, nothing will happen. If you press the start first the contactor or start relays may close energizing the motor briefly but the relay will open and stay open when the stop is pressed.

What do you need to do if you get this error message File is missing or corrupt windows rootsystem32haldll?

Insert the Windows OS CD original and then reboot your machine ... after you will see a message "press any key to boot from CD" .. do that. Then if U have Windows 2000 Pro CD or XP Pro CD or XP CD whatever, it will install all the necessary OS files and related drivers into Memory and then will try to dedect the INSTALLED/ CURRENT version of Windows OS on your system / on C: drive. Then you can decide whether to REPAIR or INSTALL the Windows OS again. So choose REPAIR option and then it will ask u for the Administrator's Password if SET for C: ... just enter password if you have set up earlier other wise just hit [enter] Windows OS will get the necessary missing or currupted file(s) from CD drive and then will tell you to reboot again. Then remove Windows CD from drive and then reboot ... Now If things are normal then your machine will BOOT UP normally and will run. If U have problems even after repairing your windows ... please observe the problem what happens after what and write down and come back and ask the problem again ... We will try to work something out again ..... till then GOOD LUCK :))

How do you terminate a non responsive program?

If you press Ctrl+Alt+Delete, open task manager and then click processes and find the exe file that the program uses to run in the list and terinate it. (In MS Windows).

How do you register ActiveX control in vb 6.0?

On Windows Run prompt, type regsvr32 "<complete path of control>" and press Enter.

How do you get the available space in harddisk?

I dont know which OS you are referring In Linux in the shell you can run the following command df In Windows, you can click My Computer and press right click the drive what you want and select properties which shows the size, free size, occupied size etc

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Usually Windows is installed on the C:/ drive of your compuer. Press WINLOGO+E to see your hard drives

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press cmd+D+S on mac and windows have keyboards emoji installed

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Press WinKey+R then type %systemroot% to find out! It will likely be C:\Windows\ but if you're using multiple versions of Windows on the same computer, the others could be on different drive letters e.g. N:\Windows\

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type "wmic qfe list" (without quotations) then press Enter

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The Services console is used to control the Windows and third-party services installed on Windows 2000/XP system. To launch the Services console, type Services.msc in the the Run dialog box and press ENTER.

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To determine which version of Microsoft Windows Vista you are running:On the taskbar at the bottom of your screen, click Start.In the search box type: winver and then press Enter.A dialog box displays the version of Windows Vista that you are running.

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Internet Explorer is a product of MIcrosoft and designed and written for Microsoft Windows. Linux can not install Windows executables. There is however a program called Wine which stands for Wine is not an emulator that can be used as a compatibility layer and allow Internet Explorer to be installed in RedHat. There is a commercially available version of Wine called CrossOver, which is a bit more streamlined and also has support. Another option would be a virtual machine such as Oracle VirtualBox which actually runs a session of Windows inside RedHat. Hope this helps! Kernellinux

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You start up the game. Then press "find servers". Then choose a server. The press "connect".

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You press enter zwinktopia then youll see servers if u want these servers...[Diety,snitch,kingpin,hottie....]press -F5 then TAB twice-If u want these servers...[Beachmaster,girlfriend,bambler,cutie..]press F5 then TAB twice and straight away type CTRL......................PUFFYCATS123 SAYS:thanksyou alot very nice cheat.. [05/1/2010]

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you have to press t, then type / and write the command

How do you fix a computer that runs slow?

1.Delete temporary files from pc: Click Start/Windows Logo then In run type %temp%(For windows xp users) and press enter In Search type %temp%(For Windows Vista and Windows 7) and press enter Then delete all the files you see in the window. 2. Loading fewer programs during startup: Start>>Run msconfig (For Windows xp users) Windows Logo>>In Search type msconfig and press enter Then click on Start up tab Uncheck all unwanted programs you do not want to start up with windows (Note: You can run the programs later by double clicking it when you have finished booting up your pc) Then Click Apply and OK. Then Restart. 3. Free up the hardisk partition where your OS is currently installed Eg: C Drive by deleting unwanted files and uninstalling unwanted programs Generally the partition where your OS is installed should be always kept free and the programs should be installed on other drives. You can use a partition manager software to make a partition and allocate space to your drives.