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All you have to do is create a directory on your server called pictures and then put all you pictures inside and link to them like so /pictures/hello.htm

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Q: How do you make a link blahblah dot com slash photos slash logo dot HTML instead of blahblah dot com slash logo dot HTML?
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What additional symbol does a closing tag has as compared to the starting tag?

The closing tag's opening symbol (the less-than sign) is immediately followed by a slash (sometimes called a "forward slash" to distinguish it from back slash.)Here's the opening for a paragraph tag:And the closingAs you can see, the difference here is a slash. Also not that the slash is used at the ending of "empty elements" in any version of HTML when trying to comply with XML syntax. So, in XHTMLShould instead be writtenThis only effects XML compliant versions of HTML.

What HTML character symbolizes that the tag is a closing tag?

You are probably referring to the front slash. It, along with the less than sign and the greater than sign and the name of the tag, form an end tag, like this: </html> The opening tag does not have the front slash, so it is the character that makes the difference.

What character is used to indicate an end tag in HTML?

The frontslash tag. For example, here it is used in the bold tag. <b>Bold text</b>

What happens when you click on 'View as HTML'?

A PDF document is converted into an HTML file and shown in your browser, instead of opening the PDF viewer.

What is the full form of BR in HTML?

The correct HTML form for BR is . BR is a tag to force a line break. It was introduced as a single tag, with no companion tag. The and tags work with older HTML, but for HTML 5, you need to have an ending tag for each tag. You can create your own ending tag by adding forward slash within the single tag: .

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What additional symbol does a closing tag has as compared to the starting tag?

The closing tag's opening symbol (the less-than sign) is immediately followed by a slash (sometimes called a "forward slash" to distinguish it from back slash.)Here's the opening for a paragraph tag:And the closingAs you can see, the difference here is a slash. Also not that the slash is used at the ending of "empty elements" in any version of HTML when trying to comply with XML syntax. So, in XHTMLShould instead be writtenThis only effects XML compliant versions of HTML.

What HTML character symbolizes that the tag is a closing tag?

You are probably referring to the front slash. It, along with the less than sign and the greater than sign and the name of the tag, form an end tag, like this: </html> The opening tag does not have the front slash, so it is the character that makes the difference.

What character is used to indicate an end tag in HTML?

The frontslash tag. For example, here it is used in the bold tag. <b>Bold text</b>

What is web HTML?

It is a HTML file you're opening on a web browser instead of Adobe Reader.

What is the difference in HTML 4 and HTML 5?

Unlike HTML 4 you cannot do these things in HTML 5: - using attributes without double-quotation like <font face=tahoma> instead of <font face="tahoma"> - Closing tags wrong <b><i>test</b></i> instead of <b><i>test</i></b> - Special Tags Closing <br> instead of <br />

Is Slash is used to create a closing tag?

Yes. <FORM> is the opening tag whereas </FORM> is the closing tag. This </TAG> to close tags is applicable for most tages. ex: <HTML> </HTML> <BODY> </BODY> etc...

What is the difference HTML and Text?

HTML is a code or scriptive language that usually executes java script; it can thus include photos and illustrations. Text is just a collection of letters one reads or may be used to store data such as keyboard configuration for a game. When you are asked about whether you want to receive a file as plain text or as HTML, the plain text version would just have the printed words, whereas the HTML would have photos, illustrations, maybe even video.

What happens when you click on 'View as HTML'?

A PDF document is converted into an HTML file and shown in your browser, instead of opening the PDF viewer.

Who is the earileast president of whom photos exist?

Buchanan. Probably. Reference:

How do you make your name red in Farm Town?

You could do that at one time but slash key must have blocked it now. You used what is called html code to do it.

What is used on iPad instead of adobe flash player?

It uses HTML 5 and Java