It depends what the question is - and whether someone who knows the answer has viewed it !
someone please answer this question? :/
Well then, You'd better ask someone cleverer than me! (The first answer to this question had the correct answer and I'm messing it about.....)
Sorry, but this is a very subjective question. Because an invention that has benefited you may have harmed someone else.
Orthogonality is to do with a right angle, what has orthogonality got to do with general computer programming? I fear this is another badly asked question by someone engaged in homework avoidance and that the quality of the question indicates the success of previous homework avoidance.
This seems like a question from an electrical course, and is probably best answered by referring to your course materials. It's your test question, not ours, and there won't always be someone else to ask for the answer. Earn your diploma.
How_do_you_get_your_email_ID_off_of_xbox_live_if_you_put_on_a_security_code_in_and_you_need_your_email_and_password_if_you_forgot_your_emailthis question
How_do_you_get_your_email_ID_off_of_xbox_live_if_you_put_on_a_security_code_in_and_you_need_your_email_and_password_if_you_forgot_your_emailthis question
You find a question by typing a question in the bar at the top that says: Enter a question here ... Hopefully, someone already asked that question and someone already answered it, so you get an answer to your question.
A question someone asks but the question doesn't need/want an answer.
How do I do this?
This question can only be answered if you are talking about someone specific. If you are with someone you wouldn't have to question it and you would be happy.
well.... could someone help me answer the question?
You don't know if someone opened a question. If the question is not about a celebrity or other well known person, the question is not allowed. Such questions are removed from the site.
If you are asking this question in reference to someone then it is an infatuation because if you love someone, you do not question your feelings. Answer That is very true. If you really love someone you will know it without question.
Typically when someone answers a question by saying "What?" or asking another question, it indicates that they either did not understand or did not hear the question. In this situation, repeat and rephrase to improve your clarity.
Well, with this stupid question... someone might just will.
How do you what if someone is staying at the Hyatt? You did not finish your question.