gotoXY from conio.h
turbo c
Turbo c program is from Borland which is an integrated development environment and a computer language. Some of the parts of turbo c were incorporated from the wizard c in 1987, but it was first developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1970.
Turbo C++ keywords are the same as C++ keywords. The language remains the same, only the implementations differ. The Turbo C++ implementations were standards-compliant at the time of their release, but the product is no longer supported.
Borland Turbo C came with an editor, compiler, linker and debugger, all of which were tightly integrated into the Turbo C IDE (integrated development environment). The professional version also came with standalone versions of the Turbo Assembler and Turbo Debugger. Note that Turbo C is 27 years old. As such it is redundant. All Borland development tools are now owned by Embarcadero. Turbo C is now classed as "antique".
gotoXY from conio.h
Turbo C compiles c source. turbo c++ compiles c++ source code.
turbo c cannot execute c++ as well..since c++ is the superset of c .the cprograms can be compiled in turbo c++.
+ += - -= * *= / /= % %= = == != <= >= & && | ^ ~ << <<= >> >>= , [] () are the basic operator in TURBO C
gotoxy is a function in some programming languages, such as Turbo C, that is used to move the cursor position to a specific coordinate on the screen. This function is commonly used in text-based console applications to control where text or graphics are displayed.
+ += - -= * *= / /= % %= = == != <= >= & && | ^ ~ << <<= >> >>= , [] () are the basic operator in TURBO C
c is only language that use cursor based implementation
turbo is word to do the programming language in c & c++ and i do no about borland
turbo c is a compiler and c++ is a programming language.
1. Turbo C is an example of Integrated Developing Environment. 2. Turbo C has example programs, the most important is bgidemo.c
just try to read books about turbo c
The company Borland developed Turbo C++.