The PVC is not as affected as it's glue. PVC GLUE can only be used properly down to about 50f - believe me, I've tried it, regardless of what it may say on any container. Furthrmore, if you let PVC glue become frozen, it's never re-usable, even when thawed.
No, you may think you can, but the paper will just come off the sheetrock.
Carpet glue by its nature is extremely sticky as it is made to keep a rug from moving. If you need to get the glue off of a concrete floor you can use a floor grinder. You can also scrape it.
From my experience, cast concrete readily separates from industrial gray pvc without requiring any release at all. This does not include cellular concrete, which is very sticky.
I know that it is usually suffcient to just glue it,just make sure your mesurements are on point, but if you must be anal use sheilds and screw. Either or. joe hojas
None. PVC is not made to be glued to concrete.
It is a version of PVC glue.
It is a type of glue used for gluing pipes together... (not the type of cement in concrete).
its glue spicily for pvc pipe only
No it doesn't. Hot glue will appear to stick, but fall off when it cures.
It will appear to at first, but will loosen off as it dries out.
Pvc glue cost about $6.49 a can about 8 ounces.
I don't understand why you'd want to do that . CPVC glue is expensive, PVC glue is cheap and glues PVC pipe better.
with PVC glue
PVC Primer and PVC glue
PVC glues will work on PVC type plastics if a primer is applied. This is a specialised glue for piping and MAY glue other items, but don't expect too much.
You just pull it apart really hard. PVC glue will not effectively glue ABS.