Using the function "count".
$foo = array("John", "Jacob", "Jingleheimer", "Schmidt");
echo count($foo); // <-- outputs the number 4
it depends how you have coded your program as: if you initialized your array (a) by loop from 0 then int lb=0,ub=n-1; //n is number of elements in array int mid=(lb+ub)/2; printf("middle number is :%d",a[mid]); if you initialized your array (a) by loop from 1 then int lb=1,ub=n; //n is number of elements in array int mid=(lb+ub)/2; printf("middle number is :%d",a[mid]);
Yes. The array name is a reference to the array, so you can use sizeof (name) / sizeof (name[0]) to determine the number of elements. Note that sizeof (name) alone gives the length of the array in bytes.
Basically in C language string is NULL (0x00) byte ending char array. So in order to find out the length of the string you need to count all elements in array until you reach NULL. But that is what strlen does. There are two links with information about strlen implementation and null-terminated strings.
The number of dimensions is immaterial. All arrays are implemented as a one dimensional array. A multidimensional array is simply an array where every element is itself an array. The only thing actually known about any array is that its name is a reference to the start address. Unlike an ordinary (non-array) variable, the elements in the array do not have names, we can only refer to them by their memory offsets from the start of the array. As such, in order to obtain the values stored at those offsets, we must dereference them. While the subscript operator gives us notational convenience, it's easy to forget that there's actually pointer arithmetic and dereferencing going on behind the scenes.
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main(void) { int a[10],i;//array declaration clrscr(); printf("\n enter the elements of array"); for(i=0;i<10;i++) scanf("%d",&a[i]); printf("\n the elements you enter into the array"); for(i=0;i<10;i++) printf("%5d",a[i]); getch(); return 0; }
A program which is used to count the number of numbers in an array using a 8085 microprocessor is known as a assembly language program.
Using the count() method:
If all elements of the array are in use then the last record is referred to as MAX-1. If you are using a count variable to remember how far into the array you are using then this variable will keep track of the last allocated value in the array.
build an array of vowels then do a foreach on the array and then explode the string on the array value and the answer is -1 of the result
it depends how you have coded your program as: if you initialized your array (a) by loop from 0 then int lb=0,ub=n-1; //n is number of elements in array int mid=(lb+ub)/2; printf("middle number is :%d",a[mid]); if you initialized your array (a) by loop from 1 then int lb=1,ub=n; //n is number of elements in array int mid=(lb+ub)/2; printf("middle number is :%d",a[mid]);
Yes. The array name is a reference to the array, so you can use sizeof (name) / sizeof (name[0]) to determine the number of elements. Note that sizeof (name) alone gives the length of the array in bytes.
I assume you mean that you have a number of rows, and that not all rows have the same number of "cells". Yes, in Java a two-dimensional array is implemented as an array of arrays (each item in the top-level array is, in itself, an array); a 3-dimensional array is an array of arrays of arrays, etc.; and there is no rule stating that all secondary (etc.) arrays must have the same number of elements.
Basically in C language string is NULL (0x00) byte ending char array. So in order to find out the length of the string you need to count all elements in array until you reach NULL. But that is what strlen does. There are two links with information about strlen implementation and null-terminated strings.
The number of dimensions is immaterial. All arrays are implemented as a one dimensional array. A multidimensional array is simply an array where every element is itself an array. The only thing actually known about any array is that its name is a reference to the start address. Unlike an ordinary (non-array) variable, the elements in the array do not have names, we can only refer to them by their memory offsets from the start of the array. As such, in order to obtain the values stored at those offsets, we must dereference them. While the subscript operator gives us notational convenience, it's easy to forget that there's actually pointer arithmetic and dereferencing going on behind the scenes.
Traverse the array from index 0 until you find the number. Return the index of that number.
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main(void) { int a[10],i;//array declaration clrscr(); printf("\n enter the elements of array"); for(i=0;i<10;i++) scanf("%d",&a[i]); printf("\n the elements you enter into the array"); for(i=0;i<10;i++) printf("%5d",a[i]); getch(); return 0; }
If you need to pass an array with the large number of elements the best way to do it is using passing by reference because you don't create a copy of the array. Thus, you save free RAM space.