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There are many ways to accomplish this but one way I might accomplish this is with a WindowListener or WindowAdapter. Below is a skeleton structure:

package pkg;

public class ExampleMainFrame extends JDialog


public ExampleMainFrame(final Window parent)



// ... Do other stuff for initialization here or in another internal method

addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()


public void WindowClosed(WindowEvent e)


(new ExampleDialog2(parent)).setVisible(true);




// ... Other methods


(In different .java source file)

package pkg

public class ExampleDialog2 extends JDialog


public class ExampleDialog2(final Window parent)



// ... Do other stuff for initialization here or in another internal method


// ... Other methods



WindowListener is an Interface - WindowAdapter is a class that defines empty method definitions for each of the methods so you can effectively define/override one of the methods and instantiate a WindowAdapter and it won't do anything but what you've overridden. In this example, I've overridden WindowClosed and upon that event occuring, it'll create and show the 2nd frame.

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