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20 address lines are required

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Q: How do you calculate number of address lines needeed for 1 MB?
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How many hexadecimal digits are used to locate an address in the memory?

depends on the depth of memory, N address lines can map 2 Power N locations.

What is the benefit of using function.llustrate different ways of passing argument to function in c plus plus?

Functions are used to reduce the lines of code and the complexity of the code. For an instance let us suppose that you want to calculate the factorial of numbers at different times in a program. There are two ways to do this 1. Write a 4-5 line code every time you want to calculate factorial. 2. Write a function of 4-5 lines which calculates the factorial and call that function every time you need to calculate factorial by just writing a single line. In C++ you can pass the variable, address of the variable or a reference to the variable in a function

Which data type would you assign to an address field?

For mailing address: in some computer languages, strings or text will be the answers. For OO language, a class Address should be designed to be the template to hold onto any address information. (an address is a class with a lot of string fields for address lines, city, zip, state, county, country, province, zone, district, etc) For internet address: some languages such as C# already provides you with Url class

Design a combinational circuit that accepts a three bit number and generates a binary output equal to twice the input value?

There is no need for a combinatorial circuit to multiply a number by two. A binary number, left shifted one place, is twice the original binary number. The specific answer to the question is that you would connect the three input lines to the three high order output line of four output lines, and connect the low order bit of the four output lines to logic 0. If the three input lines were labelled A, B, and C, the output would be A, B, C, and 0.

What do buses and lines connect a in a computer chip?

Address and data buses, which send addresses and data to memory, and read and write lines, which tell the memory whether it wants to set or get an addressed location, can connect to either ROM or RAM and generally connects to both.

Related questions

How many address lines are needed to access 256KB of main memory?

The number of address lines needed to access N-KB is given by log2N Then the number of address lines needed to access 256KB of main memory will be log2256000=18 address lines.

How does the number of lines in the data bus affect the performance of a computer?

An address bus carries address information. It is important because the number of lines in it tells the maximum number of memory addresses. It balances speed.

How many nuMBer of address lines required for 8 MB of memory?

It takes 23 address lines to address 8 mb of memory.

How many memory address does this number of address lines allow the 8086 to access directly?

The 8086/8088 has 20 address lines. It can access 220, or 1MB, or 1,048,576 bytes of memory.

What is the number of address lines required to address the two modules?

It takes one address line to choose between two modules.

How does the number of lines in the address bus determine the address space of the CPU?

'n' bit number can have 2n different combinations. If we assign these different combination a different address then we'll have 2n addresses. So, with 'n' number of address bus lines, we'll have 2n address spaces. Note: We haven't considered here the concept of foldback memory and extended memory interfacing.

How many Address lines and data lines of microprocessor and microcontroller?

Microprocessor has 16 address lines and microcontroller has 20 address lines

Minimum number of address lines needed to access a physical memory of 1GB?

You need 30 address lines to access 1G of memory. 230 = 1,073,741,824. log2 (1,073,741,824) = 30.

How many memory addresses does this number of address lines allow the 8086 to access directly?

The 8086/8088 has 20 address lines. It can access 220, or 1MB, or 1,048,576 bytes of memory.

How many address lines are necessary to address two megabytes of memory?

Let N be the number of addresses line 2 megabyte = 2*1024 =2048 N = log (size in bytes) /log 2 N= log 2048/log 2 N=11

Why all the 16 address lines are not act as a data lines in 8085 microprocessor?

the 8085 microprocessor is a 8-bit microprocessor and these are bidirectional but the address lines are unidirectional.these address lines are used to address the location of the instruction in memory .these data lines are used to transfer data between processor and peripheral devices. when the address of the instruction will be recognized by the address lines the data will be send to the processor therefore the 16 address lines are not act as a data lines in 8085

How many lines should be return ADDRESS?

a return address should have 2 lines