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Either the question is misworded, or more information is needed. Compression implies load; in order for a peice of metal to be loaded by a temperature change, it would need to be rigidly restrained by something with a different coefficient of thermal expansion. If you mean what is the dimensional change, that is answerable. It is as follows: (original size) X (coefficient of thermal expansion) X (temperature difference) = (change in length) You need to look up the coefficient of thermal expansion, and make sure you get the units right: /°C or /°F

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Q: How do you calculate compression of metals if they cooled under -73 degree temperature?
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What is the temperature range of low temperature carbon steel in which range of operating temperature it can be used?

Carbon Steel is used upto 427 oC or upto 1100 oF.

Will the resistance increase when the temperature increases in a semiconductor?

NO. In a semiconductor the resistance decreases with increase of temperature. It is their natural behavior unlike conductors and insulators. If we decrease the temperature their resistance increases. At 0 degree kelvin all semiconductors will act like perfect insulators.

Write a QBASIC program to convert a temperature in degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius or vice versa depending on input?

CLS INPUT "Enter degrees in Celsius:";c INPUT "Enter degrees in Fahrenheit:";f a=(c*1.8)+32 b=5/9(f-32) PRINT c;"degree Celsius=" a;"degree Fahrenheit" PRINT f;"degree Fahrenheit=" b;"degree Celsius" end

How to calculate heat produced in the resistance?

It takes approximately 4.184 Joules of heat to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree C. 1 Joule is the energy of 1 Watt for 1 second (or 3,600,000 Joules equals 1 Kilowatt-hour). In more real world numbers: It takes 69.7 watts 1 minute to heat a liter of water 1 degree C; or 146.6 watts in 1 minute to heat a gallon of water 1 degree F. A watt is a watt, weather it comes from resistance, radiant or induction. The only variations will come from the efficientcy of the heat source's design and how it is being used.

What is meant by degree of subcooling?

The degrees (temperature) from the saturated liquid line. One example would be after refrigerant goes through a condenser. T_subcooling = T_sat - T_condenser

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To calculate the time taken to raise the temperature by 10 degrees, you would need to know the rate at which the temperature is increasing. This can be determined by dividing the change in temperature (10 degrees) by the rate of temperature increase. The result will give you the time it takes to raise the temperature by 10 degrees.

A 15000 gram ball of lead is cooled to 22.5 degree celsius by losing 478 calories of heat. What was the initial temperature?

The specific heat capacity of lead is 0.03 cal/g°C. Using the formula Q = mcΔT, where Q is the heat lost, m is the mass, c is the specific heat capacity, and ΔT is the temperature change, we can calculate the initial temperature to be 125.5°C.

Difference between cct and ttt phase diagram?

Time-temperature transformation (TTT) diagramsmeasure the rate of transformation at a constant temperature. In other words a sample is austenitised and then cooled rapidly to a lower temperature and held at that temperature whilst the rate of transformation is measured.Continuous cooling transformation (CCT) diagramsmeasure the extent of transformation as a function of time for a continuously decreasing temperature. In other words a sample is austenitised and then cooled at a predetermined rate and the degree of transformation is measured,

How long does 4 3ton ac units equals 12tons have to run to drop the temperature 1 degree?

That's going to depend on the humidity level and size of the area being cooled.

How do you use the word ambient in a sentence?

The ambient temperature felt cooler than the 92 degree reading in the swimming pool that night, possibly because the evaporating water cooled my skin.

Why is 1 meter length kept in 0 degree Celsius?

All metals expand when heated and contract when cooled. It is important, therefore, that the standard metre is kept at some constant temperature. That constant temperature could be any temperature but the triple point of water is a convenient benchmark.

How does a heating or cooling degree day calculate?

Heating degree day:For each regular temperature measurement in a day write down 0 iftemperature is above heating-balance-temperature. Otherwise write down the difference between balance-temperature and air-temperature. Degree days is the average of all the numbers written down.Cooling degree day:For each regular temperature measurement in a day write down 0 iftemperature is below cooling-balance-temperature. Otherwise write down the difference between balance-temperature and air-temperature. Degree days is the average of all the numbers written down.

What is the maximum temperature on the sun?

The maximum temperature on the sun's surface, known as the photosphere, is around 5,500 degrees Celsius (9,932 degrees Fahrenheit). In the sun's core, where nuclear fusion occurs, the temperature can reach up to 15 million degrees Celsius (27 million degrees Fahrenheit).

What is a sentence using the word degree?

The temperature was up by about one degree. The temperature rose about one degree. The temperature dropped about one degree.

What is the difference between temperature and degree?

A degree is a unit of temperature.