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For i as integer = 1 to 10


Next i

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Q: How do you calculate a loop in visual basic 2010?
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Definition of do loop while in visual basic?

There are 3 type of loop 1 is for loop 2 is loop while 3 is loop untile

Write a note on indeterminate loop in visual basic?

Indeterminate loops in Visual Basic are loops that repeat for an unknown number of times. The programmer sets up the loop to repeat until a certain condition is reached, or while a certain condition is true.

Why a form jams in visual basic 2010 express?

Depends on your code, you may have an infinite loop being run due several reasons: - You may have used the wrong symbols ("<" or ">", an example shown below; Dim Var1 as integer = 20 Do Var1 = Var1+1 Loop Until Var1 >= 19 This is an example of an infinite loop, sometimes crashing the form. But it depends on your program.

How do you write a do while loop in visual basic to display the produc of even numbers between 1 and 10?

i=0 do if(i/2=0) msgbox(i) while(i<=10) wend

How do you calculate internal fault loop impedance?

by calculating the loop current

What is the loop of henley?

The loop of Henly is the basic functioning unit of the kidney.

How do you calculate loop length?

the multiplication of the number of iterations with the number of statements in that loop is equal to loop length.

Programming With Visual Basic.NET?

Visual Basic .NET is the latest incarnation of Visual Basic. It is sometimes known as VB7, a misnomer on account of its incompatibility with VB6: new features and syntax within VB7 mean that a re-write, instead of a mere port, will be required to keep the upgrade treadmill going. The new facility of garbage collection allows for better memory management. There are many new object-oriented design features and higher levels of type safety. 1. To program in Visual Basic .NET, you compile straight from the command line with the .NET SDK, or use Microsoft's Visual Studio IDE or the open-source SharpDevelop ID. 2. Devising a form by hand will be a challenge if you aren't familiar with the language, so it's best to use a good form designer. 3. Start up a Visual Basic .NET IDE and make a Windows application. 4. Double-click on the form to see the code view. It will be something like: Public Class Form1 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form [Windows Form Designer generated code] Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load End Sub End Class 5. Put this code in the Form_Load Sub between “Private Sub” and “End Sub”: MessageBox.Show("Hello World!") 6. Press F5 or go to the debug menu, then select Start to run the program. An alert box will appear containing the words “Hello World!”. Then the main window, empty, will open. Click the “X” of the title bar to exit. 7. Variables are set like this: Dim varName As varType ...where Dim is short for “dimension”, varName is the variable name and varType is the variable type. Types include integer, char, date and string. 8. Constants are, well, constant. Const cnstMyConstant As String = "Bing tiddle tiddle bong" 9. An array contains more than one datum. Dim MyArray(5) As Integer ...contains five values. 10. Branching is done with If/ElseIf/Else and Select Case. 11. The are several ways to loop. The first is Do...Loop Until: Do ' Loop code Loop Until condition 12. Next is Do ...Loop While: Do ' Loop code Loop While condition 13. Then we have Do Until …Loop: Do Until condition ' Loop code Loop 14. Do While...Loop: Do While condition ' Loop code Loop 15. Next is For: For a = 1 To 10 ' Loop code Next Visual Basic .NET is one of but a few languages written specifically for the CLR and the .NET framework. These are its most basic aspects. The actual commands in your code are just like every other version of Basic you ever used, making writing in Visual Basic .NET a very reasonable proposition.

What is the difference between syntax and loop?

Syntax and Loop are two completely different concepts.A "Loop" is a programming entity.Syntax are the rules and guidelines that define the structure of the usage of a language (especially in programming). In simple terms, it is the "Grammer" of a language.Further on Loops: As the name suggests, a loop is a set of instructions given to the computer to continually perform a set of tasks only interrupted by the fulfilment of a condition. For instance, consider a loop in Visual Basic, for x = 1 to 10 'perform these tasks end for This loop repeats the tasks 10 times and then continues with the rest of the statements.

What are the release dates for Loop Planes - 2010?

Loop Planes - 2010 was released on: USA: 10 July 2010 (Outfest Film Festival) USA: August 2010 (Rhode Island International Film Festival)

Can you use for next and while loop in same program in gw basic?

yes for all Basic.

When do you use loops in visual basic?

Loops are used when you wish to run the same code multiple times, often slightly differently each time. For example if you wanted to display the numbers 1 to 10 you would most likely use a loop.