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I would suggest typing in: start <nameofthefile>.INF and make sure that you have a program that is set up to defaultly open INF files.

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Q: How do you Launch INF File from a batch file?
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How can you save java servlet program for running?

If ur developing servlet program manually.The First thing is that u have to put servlet-api jar file should be set in classpath. The root directory is like that create a folder name.inside the folder create one more folder name WEB-INF. Inside the WEB-INF folder create two folders one is classes and another is Lib In the WEB-INF folder you have to put web.xml. In classes you have to put In Lib u have to put servlet-api.jar file. Go to command prompt then compile .Create a war file. steps to create war file file jar cvf name.war . enter .open the browser type the bar http://localhost: portnumber enter &amp; then apache tomcat server start.Click tomcat manager.It will ask username &amp; password. then submit.In the downstairs page there is a option name War file to deploy .Click on choose file.It will locate where is the war file .Select it &amp; deploy the programs then you have to type in the addresss bar what u had written in url-pattern in web.xml then enter u get the output.

I'm trying to do a system recovery on my hp and I get this message...INF file txtsetup.sif is corrupt or missing status 14 Setup cannot continue Press any key to exit What's that mean thanks?

it means that you have a corrupt registry and you need to reprogram your unit. I am sorry but this is the only way to fix this kind of problem Dustin Atrat MSIT,

What is the expansion of grade astm a351 cf8m?

8.9E10-6 in/inF at 70-212F

What is standard library function in c?

The Standard Librarary Function in C is printf,scanf inf Standard input output header.. which is stdio.h.

How you use ckeditor in HTML form?

Install CKEditor, extract and add in your WEB/INF folder. Include its path in head of html and run it

Related questions

What is a inf file?

.inf file

SETUP INF is a virus?

depends where the file is located and what is in the .inf file

What is inf file?

An INF file is a text file that contains all the information necessary to install a device in Windows O.S where INF stands for information.It links the device to its driver, i.e, it registers the device to work with the driver. This INF file contains information about the driver, its location,which OS the driver is meant for, manufacturer,version no,etc. . When INF file is installed, it updates the registry entries. These registry entries tell the O.S. what driver to load when the specific device is connected.

How do you find INF file of a driver?

use 7zip to extract and view what is in the target file

What is inf file extension?

windows setup information file, basically an ini that is used for different purposes

Where can i download any .inf file?

Just about anything can be downloaded at

Where is the META-INF folder for minecraft?

It's located in the minecraft.jar file.

How do you delete the META INF file when downloading a mod for Minecraft?

Just right click on the file and click "Delete File(s)" UPDATE: IF IT WONT DELETE YOUR SCREWED!

What is the name of the file you need to download from the Matrox website for your upgrade?

It is a .nif file. Select w76465.inf file and it should give you an amount of windows7 files for all upgrade needs.

Why can't i open minecraft after downloading too many items?

In your minecraft.jar file, (which you need winRAR or 7-Zip to open with), delete the META-INF file.

What does INF stand for?

If you are talking about computer .inf files it stands simply for INFORMATION. It is a plain text file used by Microsoft Windows for the installation of software and drivers.

What is the anti mod file on minecraft?

META-INF to remove it open minecraft.jar with winrar or 7-zip