Variables are storage areas that hold data that can vary during the execution of a program. A symbolic name is the name given to any entity in a program, including variables, constants, functions, procedures and various other stuff.
Global Variables Or: variables with names longer than 128 characters.
Identifiers or symbols are the names you supply for variables,type,function and labels.Identifiers names must differ in spelling and case from any cannot use keyword as an can create an identifier by specifying it in the declaration of a variable,type or function.
member variables
In C++ all names (including variables) must be declared before they can be used.
A single memory position variable can store only one value of its type. An array can store n number of values, where n is the size of the array.
Variable-names aren't to be declared.
Global Variables Or: variables with names longer than 128 characters.
Identifiers or symbols are the names you supply for variables,type,function and labels.Identifiers names must differ in spelling and case from any cannot use keyword as an can create an identifier by specifying it in the declaration of a variable,type or function.
They are the same. These are names for the variables in an experiment that are controlled by the experimenter, as opposed to the output variables, the results you collect at the end of the experiment Hope this helped!
member variables
differ proper names from things named after proper names
differ proper names from things named after proper names
Names starting with a number or special character. Keywords in the programming language. Names already used for predefined functions or variables.
Beginner's All-Purpose Symbollic Instruction Code
wind and its direction amount of force applied may differ each throw aiming skills
Please refine the question, too many variables to answer accurately
Accuracy is how close together your results are each time you repeat an experiment, so keeping the variables as constant as you can ensures your results differ as little as possible.