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Q: How do they measure the size of an excavator?
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What is an excavator?

it is a machine used to dig the earth, it can also be used to lift thing such as a crane would, but only as high as the boom of the excavator will rise and the weight is dependant on the size of the excavator.

What is the weight of a Hitachi 345 excavator?

77,625 lbs. you multiply the size of the excavator by 225 when you are trying to find the weight of them in pounds

What should be maximum size of the rock in an opencast mine?

It should not be more than 10% of the bucket size of the excavator.

What is the hourly fuel consumption of a Hitachi Zaxis200 excavator?

Estimating I would say 4 or 5 gallons on hour. Generally they have 50-75 gallon tanks for that size excavator.

How much does an excavator cost?

It all depends on the size, how many hours, and general condition of the machine.

Can a tsunami move a excavator Let's say a 200 size machine?

Depending of the scale of the tsunami, yes easily.

What is the difference between a mini excavator and a normal one?

A mini excavator is much smaller than a normal excavator. This makes them easier to transport and far more efficient to operate so long as you're doing smaller jobs. It's also possible to use less qualified operators than is needed with a full size excavator where it's possible to really break things if you make an error.

How much weight can an excavator lift?

Depending on the size of the excavator , 1 to 3 tons, larger excavators used in mines and road building applications can lift 5-20 tons . Mini excavators can lift smaller than a ton.

Why would a diamond excavator want to convert the diamond measurement from carats to grams?

Differing units of measure may be based in commerce. A diamond excavator isn't digging up just diamonds. The material in the volcanic pipe surrounding the diamond material far outweighs the diamond material. The material will be measured in tonnes or tons. Grams relates to tonnes. Carats relates to no other unit of measure except gem stone weight. The excavator may be involved in commerce, and the purchasers of his excavated material may prefer grams to carats.

Excavator of ur?

The excavator of Ur, the ancient Mesopotamian civilization, was Leonard Woolley.

What is a wet kit on an excavator?

The wet kit is the water pump/radiator on excavator

How do you measure nominal pipe size?

Measure the inside diameter and that is your nominal size.