The tractor overall reduced the need for horses and other work animals on farms across America. It also made work easier and more profitable for farmers by not having to feed work animals the crop they were trying to profit from. Another plus was that tractor never got tired and had to quit for the day so more work could be done in a day. Overall tractor made farm life a little less work and helped farmers to farm more land than they could with tracitional horses.
i am pretty sure to improve production of corps and to eliminate use of horse ox's and other work animals.
Backhoe and cutting down trees.
Machines are very modified these days for agriculture.Some are -: 1.Tractor 2.Rotavor 3.Cultivator 4.Harrow 5.Plough 6.Hoe 7.Leveller
it was light weight so you could plow more ground in a day. It also made it easier to plow heaver soil.
irrigationis the man made supply of water to the lend to encourage is a substitution for inadequate orerratic rainfall and os extermely essential for arid region where there are no rivers and alsoin humid regions to improve crop pakistan,75% of the agriculture land is under irrigation.
"The tractor was an integral part of expanding agriculture."
agriculture can improve national economy by forcasting on how the economic development of that nation is,
The Tractor Supply Company was founded in the year 1939. The Tractor Supply Company offers a variety of products for agriculture and lawn and garden maintenance.
The word tractor means"to pull" .it is used to plough. Mainly used in agriculture.
Calcium chloride flakes are used in agriculture to help control dust on dirt roads and fields, provide moisture for concrete curing, and as a source of calcium and chloride for plant nutrition. Additionally, they can help improve soil structure and promote healthy plant growth.
There are a number of insurance companies that offer tractor insurance. There are some specialized agriculture insurance companies such as Tractor Insurance and NFU Mutual that cater to this, also with traditional finance companies such as NAB.
Tractor used for many purposes like hauling a trailer or machinery used in agriculture or construction. It's best used to mechanized agricultural tasks, in order to make a farm jobs easier by using tractor.
Tractor, reaper, combine, disc harrow, seeder, plough etc.
A tractor (usually fuelled by diesel) is the modern replacement for the shire horses that were once used in farming. A tractor, using many attachments available, is able to do in hours what once took horses several days to complete.
muhammed bin tuglaq
indian agriculture stands 8th overall , but it needs to improve its machinery and way of doing it