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Q: How did the steamboat help exploration?
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The steamboat was important to the exploration of Africa because it could?

A steamboat was useful because it was a powered boat. unlike canoes or other man powered boats, a steamboat can go against the current and allow easier exploration upstream.

How does the steamboat help people?

The steamboat helps by making resource transformations quicker and easier.

How did the steamboat change the peoples lives at the time?

It help travel

What year the steamboat invented by Robert fulton was invented?

In 1807, Fulton (with help) built the first commercial steamboat, the North River Steamboat (later known as the Clermont), which carried passengers between New York City and Albany, New York. He didn't invent the steamboat, his was just the first commercial steamboat.

How does the steamboat help the world today?

it carrys stuff to other places..:)

What helped Columbus convince Queen Isabella to pay for his voyage?

Spain had many soldiers available to help it profit from exploration.

How has Robert fulton's steamboat help modern society?

boats with diesel engines

When and where did Robert Fulton invent the steamboat?

In 1807, Fulton (with help) built the first commercial steamboat, the North RiverSteamboat (later known as the Clermont), which carried passengers between NewYork City and Albany, New York. He didn't invent the steamboat, his was just thefirst commercial steamboat

What is the name of the steamboat Why do you think Twain might have given her that name?

The name of the steamboat is the Desoto. Mark Twain may have named her after the Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto to evoke a sense of exploration and adventure, as many of his stories are about traveling down the Mississippi River and encountering new places and people.

What did Fulton's improved steamboat have on transportation in the US?

it help bring cropsand goodsto theirdestination

What are causes for french exploration?

Help !

Did anybody help Marco Polo with his exploration?

Yes his dad and his uncle went with him on his exploration.