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Affected live stock breeders and their methods

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Q: How did the agriculture revolution affect the Industrial Revolution?
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How did inventions affect?

Inventions affected society both in good ways and bad like in the industrial revolution the invention of the clock, train, factories, cars and more. A lot of polution happened during the industrial revolution, because of the trains. A lot of inventions have effected society. It took us to where we are now and including our awful polution by the same invention back then, the car.

How did inventions affect society?

Inventions affected society both in good ways and bad like in the industrial revolution the invention of the clock, train, factories, cars and more. A lot of polution happened during the industrial revolution, because of the trains. A lot of inventions have effected society. It took us to where we are now and including our awful polution by the same invention back then, the car.

What did the Wright brothers do for the Industrial Revolution?

The Industrial Revolution took place in the 18th and 19th centuries whereby machines started to do the manual and repetitive work previously undertaken by people and more traditional methods like horses. This period is generally reckoned to have passed by about 1830 or 1840. The Wright Brothers flight in 1903 therefore took place in the industrial age and didn't actually affect the Industrial Revolution as currently defined. However, their acheivement was significant in its own right. The Wright Brothers were the first to demonstrate that manned, powered flight could be achieved. Previous attempts had been largely trial and error, using observations from birds, etc., without fully understanding how flight could be maintained and controlled. Although only flying for 12 seconds and covering 120 feet, their aircraft 'Flyer' proved that manned flight was possible and that control surfaces could be used to navigate the aircraft in the air. This started an incredibly rapid development of manned flight leading to the formation of organised military airborne forces within a decade and man landing on the moon within 70 years. Going from the Flyer to a moon landing within one lifespan is an incredible achievement, the roots of which were laid down in a North Carolina sand dune.

How did labor saving inventions affect daily life?

Railroads impact on the U.S. economy, making possible the transition to an urban industrial nation with high finance BY ps ms 219 students 7th grade students John , in 2012 to 2013

What are 4 ways you can benefit from an SAE project?

EntrepreneurshipOwn and operate an agricultural business (e.g. a lawn care service, a pay-to-fish operation, holiday poinsettia production and sales.)PlacementGet a job or internship on a farm or ranch, at an agriculture-based business, or in a school or factory laboratory.Research and ExperimentationPlan and conduct a scientific experiment. (e.g. Determine whether the phases of the moon affect plant growth, or test and determine the efficacy of different welding methods.)ExploratoryExplore careers in agriculture by attending an agriculture career fair, or creating a report or documentary on the work of a veterinarian.For more info, visit OR www.ncffa.orgHope that helped :D

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the water wheel changed the industrial revolution akot. this was a cheaper way to make electricity and cheaper.

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my swag is of the charts

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Black lung killed many adults and children who worked in coal mines during the industrial revolution.

What were the results of the Industrial Revolution?

Industrial revolution had a great affect in development of agriculture,textile manufacturing and inventions of teccnologies(i.e steam,ships,railroads etc).As well as it had a massive effects on social,cultural and economic condition.

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It blows things up!

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google it! :D

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it helped keep food fresh