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They collected, translated, and studied old texts on math, etc.

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Q: How did Muslim scholars contribute to science and technology?
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How many engineers are needed to make a can of soda?

to successfully engineer a can of soda pop, 37 Muslim extremists driving lambos are needed to deliver the engineers to work, and create the can.

What do you have to do plumbing?

You don't need plumbing as many cave dwellers and folks in the UK and other parts of the Crown have no need for indoor plumbing as they are now becoming more Muslim majority nations they no longer have to compete as a world power and in the next generation only the truly religions will conqueror the crown.

Who was the inventor of the burqa?

Contrary to popular belief, the burqa is instituted in the Islamic ahadith, quotes from and stories about the Prophet Muhammad, his wives, and his companions. We know from these stories that the Prophet's wives and many of the early Muslim women covered their bodies, including their faces, in this way, and Muslim women strive to imitate them, as they were the most excellent in character. Furthermore, these stories tell us that certain Qur'anic verses were interpreted by these women as instruction to cover the face, not just the body. The practice however, dates from thousands of years earlier, to Jewish marriage practices. It is also the origin of the western wedding veil today. Muslim women wear the burqa by choice, not by force, and find many benefits in doing so. The burqa provides the women with modesty, identity, and liberation. Those who wear the burqa place a high value on women's beauty, and believe it is not for anyone in the street to look upon, but rather to be preserved for those she is close to and loves. This modesty in turn protects the woman from sexual harassment and abuse. The burqa also identifies the woman as a Muslim, and one devout in her religion, an honorable and respectable woman. Women also find the burqa highly liberating, as it turns the focus from their outer appearance, to their inner self. Rather than being judged by for their sex appeal or sense of fashion, those who meet them can only judge them based on their intellect and character. It makes a clear statement that the woman's body is irrelevant, while her heart and mind are the true person.

What was the main object of the Crusades?

The original stated purpose was to free Jerusalem from the infidels; they began with a call for help from the Eastern Orthodox Byzantine Empire against an expanding Muslim dynasty. They had tremendous impact on politics, economics and society. See the Related Links for "Wikipedia: Crusades" and " Crusades" to the left for more information.

What is Laylat-ul-Isra about?

Cannot answer "What is Laylat-ul-Isra" but have the meaning of Surat Al-Isra if this is what you mean. Surat Al-Isra (Arabic:) (ie The Night Journey) -- also called the Bani Isra'il (ie Children of Israel) surah -- is the 17th sura of the Qur'an, with 111 verses. This Surah takes its name from the first verse, which tells the story of the Isra and Mi'raj, the transportation of Muhammad during the night to what is referred to as "the farthest Mosque". The exact location is not specified, although in Islamic Hadith this is commonly taken to be the Noble Sanctuary (Temple Mount) in Jerusalem. Some scholars disagree about this (see Isra and Mi'raj). While the city of Jerusalem (or al Quds) is not mentioned by name anywhere in the Qur'an, it is identified in various Hadith. This Meccan surah was revealed in the last year before the Hijra. Like all the Meccan surah it stresses the oneness of Allah, the authority of the prophets. However, the primary theme of the Surah is salah (daily prayers), whose number is said to have been fixed at five during the Miraj which it alludes to. In addition, the Surah forbids adultery, calls for respect for father and mother, and calls for patience and control in the face of the persecutions the Muslim community was facing at the time.

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How did Muslim scholars contribute science and technology?

They collected, translated, and studied old texts on math, etc.

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How did Muslim scholars contribute to the scientific revolution?

Muslim Scholars translated Greek writtings into Arabic and they studied it for centries and added their own ideas later Arabic versions were translated into Latin which was read in Europe.

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Muslim scholars contributed to the Renaissance when their works on medicine, philosophy, and mathematics were translated into Latin and other Western languages. Some of these Muslim writers had based their work on earlier Greek and Indian texts.

Who was the Greek philosopher who was studied by Muslim scholars?

The Greek philosopher who was studied by Muslim scholars was Aristotle. His works were translated into Arabic during the Islamic Golden Age, and his ideas had a significant influence on Islamic philosophy and science.

How were Muslim scholars linked to the revival of in Europe?

Muslim scholars linking to revival of learning in Europe by making an important and original contributions in mathematics, astronomy, medicine, ect.

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It is permissible according to most Muslim scholars. Islam is not against science it works with science

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Muslim scholars not only studied and made advances in the field of Mathematics, Algebra, Geometry, rather they did lot of research in the field of medicine and all branches of science.

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Science and technology spread faster in the Muslim world than in the Christian world during the Middle Ages because the Arabs learned much from the cultures that they conquered.

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The Muslim scholars formulated trade and economic rules and provided guidance in the field of trade and economics.