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In general, the greater the degree of undercooling of a liquid melt, the smaller the critical

radius of the nuclei formed.

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Q: How degree of under cooling affect the critical size of nucleus in case of homogeneous nucleation?
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What is the medical term meaning pertaining to the nucleus?

Nucleation is the medical term meaning formation of the nucleus.

What is a nucleation site?

A nucleation site is a location where the process of nucleation begins, leading to the formation of a new phase or a new crystal structure. It provides a surface for molecules to come together and form a stable nucleus, which then grows into a larger structure. Nucleation sites are important in many physical and chemical processes, such as crystallization and phase transitions.

A substance in which all atoms are not alike but all the molecules are alike?

A homogeneous mixture?

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The function of nuclear sap is that it is the clear homogeneous ground substance of a cell nucleus.

What property defines a specific element?

Its atomic number; i.e., the number of protons in the nucleus of its atoms.

What is meant by undercooling in crystal growth?

Undercooling in crystal growth refers to the process where a material is cooled below its normal freezing point without solidification occurring. This can result in the formation of smaller or differently shaped crystals due to the lower temperature favoring the nucleation of new crystal structures. Undercooling is a common phenomenon in materials science and can impact the final properties of the crystalline material.

What are three stages in crystal formation?

To be exact: there are no three stages of crystal formation. This is an oversimplification using ill defined terms. The answer depends on the context and on what the one who asked it is interested in. Nucleation Growth and Equilibrium could be called 3 stages, as well as Adsorption Reorientation and Incorporation of new members of the lattice. For experimentalists it could be supersaturation, nucleation and separation as well. Crystallization from solution or even of pure substances is so complex that exact theoretical descriptions virtually do not exist up to date.

What cell has a nucleus that controls all of the cells functions?

Every cell has a nucleus. A necleus is basically a brain. It holds all the information needed to run the cell. The nucleus tells the cell what to do. Weather it is a muscle cell or a plant cell, it has a nucleus. Every cell has a nucleus.

What can a nucleus relate to?

A nucleus is a membrane-bound organelle found in eukaryotic cells that contains the cell's genetic material. It controls the cell's activities and plays a critical role in regulating gene expression. The nucleus is often referred to as the control center of the cell.

What is multi-nucleate?

Multi-nucleate refers to a cell or organism that contains more than one nucleus. This can occur naturally in certain cells, such as muscle cells, where multiple nuclei help facilitate cellular functions. Abnormal levels of multi-nucleation can also be seen in certain diseases or conditions.

What is the role and purpose of thr nucleus?

The nucleus is the control center of the cell, housing the cell's DNA and controlling gene expression. It plays a critical role in regulating cell functions, growth, and reproduction by coordinating cellular activities and directing protein synthesis.

What is the control center of a cell called and is made of protoplasm?

The control center of a cell is called the nucleus. It is made up of protoplasm, a semiliquid substance that contains the cell's genetic material, or DNA. The nucleus plays a critical role in regulating the cell's activities and controlling its growth and reproduction.