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Logic to search element in array

Input size and elements in array from user. ...

Input number to search from user in some variable say toSearch .

Define a flag variable as found = 0 . ...

Run loop from 0 to size . ...

Inside loop check if current array element is equal to searched number or not.

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The array elements are in the array, not in a file.

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Q: How can you search an array element in a file?
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How do you search for an element in unsorted array?

Let's use integers as an example. int elementToFind; // the element we want to search for int[] elementArray; // the array we want to search through boolean found = false; //boolean flag to indicate if we found the element or not for(int i = 0; i < elementArray.length; ++i) { if(elementArray[i] == elementToFind) { // we found the element at index i // do whatever you want to do with this information found = true; } //if found is still false so it means this element is not found if(!found) { //the element is not found in the array } }

If array is full how you apply linear search?

An array in C is structured so that it has no particular size; you have to know ahead of time what the dimensions are.So, a linear search means that you go from the first element to the last, either finding the element in the table, or going to the very last element and not finding it.Arrays in C can be zero-terminated, in which case you get the element that does not have a value, and that indicates the value you are searching for is not there.If the array is not zero terminated then you can calculate the dimension of the array, or apply the sizeof operator times the size of the first element to determine the length of the search.

What algorithm uses a loop to step through each element of an array starting with the first element searching for a value?

What you're describing is called a sequential search or linear search.

Is it true In a sequential search each element is compared to the searchValue and the search stops when the value is found or the end of the array is encountered?

As I know the search method depends on your(programmer's) logic. In sequential search it will be better to stop the search as soon as search value encounters or if search value is not in the array then it should stop at the end.

Which are the searching algorithm always compare the middle element with the searching elements in the given array?

binary search system

Related questions

What search begin the search with the first array element?

To search, you would start with the first element of the array and compare it with the target value. If the first element matches the target, you found it. If not, you would move to the next element in the array and repeat the process until either you find the target or exhaust all elements in the array.

How do you search for an element in unsorted array?

Let's use integers as an example. int elementToFind; // the element we want to search for int[] elementArray; // the array we want to search through boolean found = false; //boolean flag to indicate if we found the element or not for(int i = 0; i < elementArray.length; ++i) { if(elementArray[i] == elementToFind) { // we found the element at index i // do whatever you want to do with this information found = true; } //if found is still false so it means this element is not found if(!found) { //the element is not found in the array } }

If array is full how you apply linear search?

An array in C is structured so that it has no particular size; you have to know ahead of time what the dimensions are.So, a linear search means that you go from the first element to the last, either finding the element in the table, or going to the very last element and not finding it.Arrays in C can be zero-terminated, in which case you get the element that does not have a value, and that indicates the value you are searching for is not there.If the array is not zero terminated then you can calculate the dimension of the array, or apply the sizeof operator times the size of the first element to determine the length of the search.

How many kinds of search in data structure?

array, file, record, table, the tree and so on

What algorithm uses a loop to step through each element of an array starting with the first element searching for a value?

What you're describing is called a sequential search or linear search.

Why you need to sort an array?

Because in any type of search the element can be found at the last position of your array so time complexity of the program is if array when sorted easily finds the element within less time complexity than before..

Is it true In a sequential search each element is compared to the searchValue and the search stops when the value is found or the end of the array is encountered?

As I know the search method depends on your(programmer's) logic. In sequential search it will be better to stop the search as soon as search value encounters or if search value is not in the array then it should stop at the end.

How to search the contents of an array by accessing each element only once?

Sequentially, ie one-by-one.

Which are the searching algorithm always compare the middle element with the searching elements in the given array?

binary search system

What is the time complexity for searching an element in an array?

If the array is unsorted, the complexity is O(n) for the worst case. Otherwise O(log n) using binary search.

Will an array element be deleted when you retrieve it from the array?

You cannot delete from an array.

How arrays are used in synon?

Synon array processing is totally intuitive for any synon user. You do not need to open a manual. If you can use a file, you can use an array. The main difference is that there are only 4 function types: CRTOBJ, CHGOBJ, DLTOBJ, RTVOBJ, and only 1 "ACP" (set of Key fields)The array processing really behaves more like an indexed file than an array. The file portion (Records) is a multiple occurrence data structure and the index portion is an array. The data structure contains the fields as defined in the *ARRAY file. The array(Index) is the fields defined as the Key concatenated with the occurrence# of the data structure. When you create an element in the array (a record in the file), the program takes the next available occurrence of the data structure and loads the fields. The program also creates the Index element by concatenating the key fields with the occurrence# of the newly added data structure. The program then does a Sort Array to sequence the Index so that the records may be accessed in key sequence. Any time a record is deleted, the Index element is blanked out and the Index is Sorted (Sort Array). This is a very clean solution and the performance is surprisingly good considering that the array is sorted after each add or delete.When accessing the data, a LOKUP is performed on the array using the key value with blanks instead of the occurrence# and looking for GT in the array. This allows processing of partial keys as positioners or restrictors. The program then reads the data structure for the occurrence# taken from the array element to get the data(fields). For the next occurrence, it is not necessary to do another LOKUP (which is slow) because the array is sorted. The program only has to read the next element in the array and continue the processing as long as the partial key matches the key in the array. From the point of view of the Synon user, this processing is identical to a file RTVOBJ.Synon loads the array from the bottom (an RPG technique to improve performance in large arrays) because the LOKUP command may be given a starting position, but cannot be stopped until every element is checked when no match is found. By loading the array backwards from the bottom and counting the elements, the search may be started at the last element loaded and only elements which contain data are read.IF No Match is FoundAn array is defined for 1000 elements.Only 10 elements are loaded.These are loaded to occurrences 991 thru 1000.When the LOKUP is performed, it starts at 991 and only 10 compares are made.** If the array is loaded from the top, 1000 compares are performed.