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Same as that of the applet we need to run this frame...........

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Q: How can you run frame program in java?
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How do you run the frames in java?

first compile java program using "javac" then run frame using "appletviewer". e.x. = appletviewer

Can you run java program without applying main method?

yes we can run java program without using main. we can run program by declaring the variable static..

How do you run and compile a java applet program?

One can run and compile a Java applet program by agreeing to the terms and downloading it. It is possible to get a compiler online that will compile and run Java programs.

How do you execute a Java program?

You can run a Java application from the command line using "java <name of the class>"

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to compile and run java program you need to set path and classpath path refers to binary used to compile and run java program i.e. "javac" for compilation and "java" for execution

Difference between a java complier and the Java JIT?

A java compiler takes Java source code and turns it into Java bytecode, which can then be run by the java virtual machine.Using JIT means that the java code will be compiled and executed at the time that you run the program, which will slow down the program because it has to compile the code at the same time that it runs.

Why you start java program by class?

without class non of the folder can run so the java program should start in class we can use the class without object in java

Why you same name in class and file in java?

For run the program

What is the main difference between java and dotnet?

java is from sun and .net is from microsoft, java is a language + runtime and .net is run frame that supports multiple language.

What is the name of the command to run a java program?

javausage: java path\FooBar will execute path\FooBar.class

Why is a Java Download so important?

Java is important because it a program to run certain games or videos.

How java programs can ensure wora philosophy?

Translating a java program into bytecode makes it much easier to run a program in a wide variety of envirenments becouse only the JVM needs to be implemented for each platform.Once the run time packages exists packages exist for given system, any java program can run on it.