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You can open the link into a new window by using the attribute, target="..." here is a basic link example This is the HTMl for a Link The href attribute defines the link "address". By adding the target attribute it defines where the linked document will be opened. for example" This is the HTMl for a Link to open in a new window The value "_blank" is used for the Target to open in a new window.

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In design view, select the element you wish to create the link using (the text, or image, or what have you.)

Press CNTL+F3 on Windows, or COMMAND+F3 on Mac, to open the "Properties Window."

Inside the Properties Window, you can enter the address you want the link to point at. To the right of that, you'll find a drop-down combo-box. In that box, you can select either "_new" or "_blank" to create a link that the browser will open in a new tab or window.

In the Code view, you can add the target attribute to the anchor tag to have the same effect. Below find example code. The bold text is what I've added to make the "new window" part occur when my user clicks the link.

target="_blank"title="Page">Link Text

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10y ago

Adding the target="_blank" attribute to your link tag will open the url in a new window/tab.

Example: Home

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Q: How can you open a link in a new browser window with HTML?
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How do you run HTML notpad code?

To "run" HTML code, you simply need to open it using a web browser. This can be done by placing the file on the server and pointing the browser to it, or you can use the native "Open File..." command in the browser itself. If you want to learn HTML you can visit one of the websites in the related links.

What attribute will let you open a link in a new window?

You click the link with the left button on your mouse, and then put your mouse on the button that says open link in a new window and click it with the button on the left side of your mouse.For more detail it is simple and easy use right click on a link ,choose option , "Open the link in new tab" ,by doing so your previous page will be before you and a new page will be before you,do not choose the option , "Open link in new window " by choosing this,a new browser window will be appeared before you,which may cause your disturbance.

What code in HTML should you use to open a file?

To open an HTML page, all you have to do is double-click the HTML file and it will be opened by your default browser. Hope this helps :)

How do you get the HTML source on Windows Vista?

It depends on what browser you're using. If you're using IE, then you have to go to View->Source to open a new window with the source code. If you're using another major browser, Ctrl+U will show the source code.

How can one open the document window in Javascript?

To open a new window in javascript all you need to do is open your browser. Then you pick the document you want to open and right click on the screen. Then you choose to open in a new window or a new tab.

Related questions

How can you open a link in a new browser using HTML?

You can't easily open a link in a new browser window (anymore), but you can open the link in a new browser tab. To do this, you have to add the target attribute to your HTML anchor tags. The value for that attribute (in this case) should be "_new"A great place to ask a question!Other values include "_top" and "_parent." You can read about them at the attached link.This is your only option that is within HTML. To get any closer to the "New Window" link, you're going to have to use another technology like JavaScript.

What is behind a webpage?

Behind the Web Page is the HTML. The HTML is a language for the browser to read, and instructs the browser in how to display the page. If you want to see the HTML, right click on the page. A box will open, then select view source. A window will then open with the HTML for that page.

What determines whether your browser opens a new window when going from one website to another?

Some websites use code within links that prompt the browser to open a new window, but most do not. Internet Explorer will not open a new window for each link unless the hyperlink is coded that way or you specifically request a new window. This is by design. If you are using Internet Explorer, you can right-click a link and choose to open the link in a new window.

How can you open a link in a new tab browser window?

Right-click a link and click on Open in New Tab. If you have a mouse with that scrolling wheel, press on the wheel while the mouse is on a link.

How do you preview your HTML pages?

just open the HTML file in a web browser.

How do you open HTML document?

click on html link

How can you open a link in a new browser window in html?

You can do this using the "target" attribute of the anchor tag. It looks like this:Your linked textThe target attribute is valid in HTML 4 and 5, but was deprecated in XHTML 1.0, so it's not valid in the "Strict" doctype (use transitional instead.)

How do you get a free HTML?

HTML is an open source software that is available in every system that contains a web browser.

How do you run HTML notpad code?

To "run" HTML code, you simply need to open it using a web browser. This can be done by placing the file on the server and pointing the browser to it, or you can use the native "Open File..." command in the browser itself. If you want to learn HTML you can visit one of the websites in the related links.

What attribute will let you open a link in a new window?

You click the link with the left button on your mouse, and then put your mouse on the button that says open link in a new window and click it with the button on the left side of your mouse.For more detail it is simple and easy use right click on a link ,choose option , "Open the link in new tab" ,by doing so your previous page will be before you and a new page will be before you,do not choose the option , "Open link in new window " by choosing this,a new browser window will be appeared before you,which may cause your disturbance.

How do you add a pop-up window to a link in Adobe Dreamweaver?

In the code view for the HTML file, you need to add the following to the href attribute of the selected link:[target="_blank"] (minus brackets)For example:click here to open link in pop-up window

Describe exactly how to open a separate or additional browser session if you already have one running?

If you want 2 browser windows open using the same browser? Click on File > New > Window.If you want 2 browsers open, just open both. Simple.I only use Netscape and IE and these work for both. I don't know about other browsers like Opera or Firefox.AnswerA very useful shortcut key is pressing Ctrl + N (new) while having the active browser window (the window you want duplicated). A new browser window will open up in a cloned fashion. Answer(cheesytacos)It depends on the browser but in most browsers, there is the Ctrl+N shortcut which starts a new session of what ever browser you are using. Or, you can press file and select new from the drop down menu. But browsers like GoogleChrome and ChromePlus have a settings menu in the top left corner of the browser that shows the option.*Note: this answer is based on computers running Windows. I do not know about Macs.