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Watts = Volts x Current x Power Factor. Power Factor is one for resistive loads and less than one for reactive loads. If you assume 80% load factor on your 10 amp circuit that is 8 amps. So each of three devices would have to operate on 2.66 amps. To do this the applied voltage for each device would have to be 900 volts.

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Q: How can you have 3 devices that run on 2400 watts each on a 10 amp circuit?
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A #12 wire can carry 20 amps. Assuming the connected voltage is 120 volts the wattage will be Watts = Amps x Volts. W = 20 x 120 = 2400 watts. The circuit can legally be loaded to 80%. 2400 x 80% = 1920 watts. The maximum amount of loads that can be connected to a 20 amp #12 wire have to be added up individually but stay under 1920 watts.

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you just have to do some math. if the can lights are the only thing on the circuit then times the wattage of each bulb by the total bulbs and only put 80% of the circuit breaker max on the line. ie 20 amp breaker and 120 volt power equals 2400 watts max. 80% of that is 1920 watts. 15 amp breaker and 120 volt power equal 1800 watts max. 80% of that is 1440 watts. if there are already other item on the circuit then you should test the line fully loaded with an amp clamp to see what its carrying already, and then deduct that from your totals

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It is recommended to have a maximum of 10 outlets on a 20 amp circuit to ensure safety and prevent overloading. The actual number of devices that can be connected will depend on their individual power consumption.

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each appliance should have a rating label showing the amps or watts used, Add up these figures to see if they exceed the capacity of the circuit. Amps =watts/voltage

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parallel circuit .

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Can you use a toaster oven and a coffee pot on a single 20 amp circuit?

It depends on the appliances themselves. If you use Ohm's Law, 120 volts multiplied by 20 amps you get 2400 watts. If these appliances are constantly used at the same time it is best to calculate your loads at 80%, in this case it would be 1920 watts. Look at the name plates on the appliances, the wattage on each will be listed.

Can you wire 2 small electric heaters in separate rooms each with their own thermostat on the same circuit?

It is not recommended to wire 2 heaters with separate thermostats on the same circuit as it can overload the circuit and create a fire hazard. It is safer to have each heater on its own dedicated circuit to ensure proper functioning and safety.

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