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You can enter data using the input type of the form. It can be either text or textbox depending on usage.

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Q: How can you enter data in more than one line in an HTML form?
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Fill out the Form 2441. Enter the smaller of Line 9 or Line 10 on Line 11.NEXT, if you are using Form:1040, also enter your answer from Form 2441 Line 11 on Form 1040, Line 48;1040A, also enter your answer from Form 2441 Line 11 on Form 1040A, Line 29;1040 NR, also enter your answer from Form 2441 Line 11 on Form 1040NR, Line 46.

What is the full form of BR in HTML?

The correct HTML form for BR is . BR is a tag to force a line break. It was introduced as a single tag, with no companion tag. The and tags work with older HTML, but for HTML 5, you need to have an ending tag for each tag. You can create your own ending tag by adding forward slash within the single tag: .

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you have to use HTML codes. so you press the 'HTML' button on your top right in the text post box and enter <br/> for a new line.

What should be the first line of your HTML file?

The first line of your HTML file should start with <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC.... The first line of the actual HTML code begins with the <html> tag.

What The data points on a nonlinear graph form?

a straight line

Where do you enter workman's compensation on federal form 1040a?

The form 1040a is a federal tax form. When you go to enter workman's compensation on it, you need to fill out line 7.

What is the HTML code for enter?

Use <br /> for a new line. Use <p></p> for a new paragraph. or if you want to link to a website or another page you put <html> <body> <a href="the page or site you want to link">button text here</a> </body> </html>

What key should I press on a keyboard if I am inputting data on my computer?

Traditionally, if you are entering data, you would press the Enter or Return key after you finish typing a line. When entering data on the Web, you usually would click Okay or Submit when you finish filling a form.

What does the HTML tag br mean?

<BR> tag stands for line break. This is the first line <BR> This is the second line In HTML the above code will get displayed as: This is the first line This is the second line

Is there a website where you can enter a gun serial number to find out information?

Many makers have sn data on line.

What are the codes in HTML?

There are loads of them and can be complicated if you are trying to learn all of tags. I suggest you use to learn HTML. Here are some of it <a> (links) eg <a href="http:\\www.URL">label</a> <p> (paragraphs) eg <p>A paragraph</p> <img> (images) eg <img src="name.format"> <HTML> (root) eg <HTML>some HTML code</HTML> <head> (title\scripting) eg <head><title>name of title</title></head> <body> (info) eg <body>Some HTML code and information</body> <br> (enter) eg <p>Some HTML code<br>(doesn't make a difference if you just press enter) <hr> (hozr. line) eg Hello<hr>I just drawed a line!

What is a tag when using Html?

A Tag in HTML can be compared to a keyword in any programming language. It instructs the browser about how the subsequent pieces of text must be parsed and displayed. A Tag in HTML is enclosed within the <> symbols. Any text between the <HTML> and </HTML> tags is considered HTML content and the browser will handle it the way HTML code is to be handled. There are numerous tags available in HTML. Some are * <BR> - Line Break * <HR> - Horizontal Line * <TABLE> - To display a table (Like a spreadsheet with heading & cells) * <FORM> - To display UI forms * etc...