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You can use various videos from websites such as YouTube and Instructables to figure out how to build your own solar panel. Efficient ones can be expensive but cheaper to make than purchasing a solar panel for installation.

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Q: How can one find out how to build one's own solar panel?
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Is a solar panel dangerous?

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Where do you get solar from?

If you mean solar power services and products - ones that will help you build a solar system, a solar photovoltaic one that will generate electricity from sun light - you need to search for solar installers and or vendors of solar panels, solar inverters, and racking for solar panels - google for them

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According to me, Multi layered junction ed solar panels are by far the most efficient ones, (they have also been used on the ISS). Coming to the commercial ones, Panasonic or LG energy are the best in terms of efficiency

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There are several sites online where a flat panel TV can be found. Some popular ones include the sites for Best Buy and Walmart.

How much energy does a solar panel generate in 2 years?

That depends on too many factors for a meaningful answer to be given. The longitudinal position of the panel - panels nearer the Equator will (generally) receive more sunlight than ones further north or south. The angle the panel is placed at vis-a-vis the Sun - which compass heading is it aligned to? The size of the panel The cloudiness of the location ... and other factors.

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It really depends on the type of house and amount of solar cells. But they are usually large solar panels. People would think of big solar panels as the ones on houses but you can get bigger ones but the ones on houses would be categorised as large/big.

How much can a solar panel power?

That depends entirely upon the size of the solar panel and how many cells it has. Panels can be small enough to fit on and power a pocket calculator, generating less than 1 volt, or they can be very large, such as those you might find on a residential rooftop for supplying 110 volt power for the home's needs. Or, they can be absolutely massive, generating megawatts of power, such as the ones used for commercial electricity generation and that compete with nuclear, fossil fuel, hydro, or wind generated electricity.

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Cost nothing to build new ones if you slave drive the inmates to build them.

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The Haley Comet

What are the plans for solar panels in the future.?

Make bigger ones.

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The same as the other ones solar systems.