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Space Exploration

Deep-Sea Exploration

Exploration at Volcanic Site

-by OmegaKhan

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Q: How are robotics used for scientific exploration?
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Where are robotics used for exploration in the scientific community?

Robotics are used for exploration in various scientific endeavors including space exploration, deep-sea exploration, and mapping of hazardous environments like volcanoes and nuclear facilities. They allow scientists to gather data, conduct experiments, and explore places that are too dangerous or inaccessible for humans.

Where and how are robotics used for scientific exploration?

Robots are used everywhere. They can dive deep in the sea where humans cannot go or on dangerous missions that endanger human lives

How do robotics engineers use scientific notation?

Robotics engineers use scientific notation to compute very large or very small numbers.

Are the laws of robotics based on an actual scientific document?

No. The so-called Laws of Robotics are not based on any actual scientific document. They are a product of a work of fiction.

When was Journal of Scientific Exploration created?

Journal of Scientific Exploration was created in 1987.

What is the name of the ship that was used in the first scientific exploration of the ocean in 1872?

HMS Challenger

What is the name of the ship that was used in the first major scientific exploration of ocean in 1872?

HMS Challenger

What is the name of the ship that was used first major scientific exploration of the ocean in 1872?

HMS Challenger

How did the age of exploration pave the way for the scientific revolution?

By finding new materials which were used for the scientific researches and better knowings of territory explored.

Why do people go to the moon?

Scientific exploration.

What happend after the age of exploration?

scientific revolution

What are the algorithms used in robotics?

Question has no singular answer.