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Do you mean at the molecular level (covalent and ionic bonds, and van der Waals forces take care of this), or do you have two plastic parts you want to join together? If it's the second... you can use adhesives
you can use fasteners
you can weld them together
you can design the two objects so they mate
or you can cast the second piece around the first one.

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Q: How are plastic polymers joined together?
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when monomers are joined together what do they form?

Monomers joined together make a polymer.

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Macromolecule formed when monomers are joined together?

A polymer is formed when monomers are joined together through chemical bonds. Polymeric macromolecules can have a wide range of functions and properties depending on the specific monomer units and how they are linked. Examples of polymers in nature include proteins, DNA, and carbohydrates.

What are examples of protein polymers?

Proteins are examples of protein polymers, which are made up of long chains of amino acids joined together by peptide bonds. Other examples include collagen, myosin, and hemoglobin.

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A silk worm produces silk, which is made up of proteins and amino acids that form polymers when they are joined together.

Two different monomers joined to each other form?

A polymer. Polymers are macromolecules formed by joining monomers together through chemical bonds, creating long chains or structures. This process, known as polymerization, can lead to the formation of various types of polymers with different properties and functions.

Is plywood plastic?

No, plywood is not plastic. It is a material made from thin layers of wood veneer that are glued together in a cross-grain pattern. Plastic, on the other hand, is a synthetic material derived from polymers.

Long molecule made from joining lots of short molecules together?

Yes. They are called polymers. But they are very old, since plastic originated in the mid-late 1800's. But we are discovering new polymers to this day.

What nutrients are produced when complex carbohydrates are split into simple ones?

Complex carbohydrates (Polysaccharides) are polymers and are made up of many monosaccharides joined together.

What is the common pathway in the production of biological polymers?

The common pathway in the production of biological polymers involves the polymerization of monomer units. Monomers are joined together through chemical reactions to form long chains known as polymers. This process is facilitated by enzymes and occurs in the cells of organisms.

Are monomers made up of many polymer units?

No. Amino acid monomers are used to make protein polymers. Nucleotide monomers are used to make DNA polymers.