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The "levitation" of the train above the track uses powerful electromagnets, which push and pull at slightly varying strengths from the equally magnetized track. As anyone who has experienced an MRI medical exam can attest, the clanging of magnets against their mounts can be very noisy.

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Q: How are maglev trains so loud if they have no engine?
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Do bullet trains have wheels?

Yes, bullet trains have wheels. They run on rails, just as conventional railroad locomotives and cars do. The trains that operate by magnetic levitation, the so-called MagLev trains, do not have wheels as they ride on a magnetic cushion.

How many people can ride on maglev train?

A small, three car maglev train weighs more or less 100 tons, so they are relatively light trains.

Why didn't they complete a maglev train in the UScities?

It's all to do with magnetic repulsion - when the train is moving, the two magnets have the same pole, and so repel each other, creating a "cushion". It's a bit like the principle of two bar magnets in school, matching north pole to north pole.

What are the advantages to the maglev train?

MagLev (or magnetic levitation) trains have no moving parts and therefore need much less maintenance and are nearly silent. They run on superconducting magnets and don't require all of the fuel that current trains do and reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere. The superconducting magnets are run alongside each other. This would mean that for the train to stop running both magnets would have to fail in the time it would take the train to reach the next stopping point which is only a few minutes. The probability of this happening would be less than once in millions of years of operation.And I like the way it looks!!!!!!!!! The electromagnets that are used in the train are easily turned of so there will be hardly and chance of missing your stop. They also go 359mph. Three times the speed of an average also has less friction henrymeadstinks.

Can gas turbine engine be used in trains?

Gas turbine engine deals with high temperature and pressure. So it is difficult to use it. However if certain modifications are done in it , it can probably be used in trains. And if this is done the trains would be very high speed. as it is gasturbine engines which powers aeroplanes

Related questions

How can maglev trains help your country?

Maglev trains do not use gas, so they are good for the environment.

Why are diesel trains so loud?

It's not the train that's loud, it's the engine

What are the top speed of maglev trains?

Maglev trains have the technology to reach speeds in excess of 3,000 mph but any speed in excess of 300-400mph becomes impractical. The top speed depends more on how and where the maglev is built, how far apart stations are, and how much maintenance cost is considered acceptable. So, for the trains proposed so far today and may be in service in the next 20 years, it maglev trains will not exceed 400mph.

Do bullet trains have wheels?

Yes, bullet trains have wheels. They run on rails, just as conventional railroad locomotives and cars do. The trains that operate by magnetic levitation, the so-called MagLev trains, do not have wheels as they ride on a magnetic cushion.

Why is it important that maglev trains do not touch their track?

I'm not too sure about the advanced physics of this, but I know that it is desired for Maglev trains to not touch the track so that their speed can be maximised, and so there is no wear and tear of the track and contact. The speed would be maximised because if you don't touch the track there is no friction. Even wheels are slowed by friction so the only way to completely eliminate it is to have no friction.

What does the magnetism do in maglev trains?

Maglev is a contraction of Magnetic Levitation. Magnets of the same polarity are used to levitate the train so that there is no friction between train and rail. Electromagnets of opposing polarity are switched on in sequence ahead of the train to pull it forward.

How is maglev train useful?

Trains are useful for moving people quickly and safely.Maglev trains use electricity for power. This can come from renewable energy sources, in which case they have no carbon emissions.Maglev trains have no friction with rails and wheels, so they need less energy to run.

How many people can ride on maglev train?

A small, three car maglev train weighs more or less 100 tons, so they are relatively light trains.

What happens to maglev trains when they encounter ice?

Maglev means magnetic levitation. So the train is not touching the track, in fact once the engines are fired up, the entire train lifts about one cm off the track. So ice is irrelevant to a maglev vehicle. Unlike conventional vehicles which use friction as a braking force, e.g., tires on a road, a maglev uses eddy currents produced in the track as a result of magnetic force as both propulsion and braking methods.

Why are motorbikes so loud?

Motorcycles are loud due to an Open engine. Loud and motorcycles go together.

Why were maglev trains invented?

Maglev trains were invented to provide a faster, more efficient, and environmentally friendly mode of transportation compared to traditional trains. They use magnetic levitation to eliminate friction between the train and tracks, allowing for higher speeds and smoother rides.

Why didn't they complete a maglev train in the UScities?

It's all to do with magnetic repulsion - when the train is moving, the two magnets have the same pole, and so repel each other, creating a "cushion". It's a bit like the principle of two bar magnets in school, matching north pole to north pole.